Philosophy of GOD ?

Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2004 06:25 am
Just thought of sharing an intersting articles with you... so... here it comes...

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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 2,893 • Replies: 36
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2004 06:51 am
If you are correct in what you say here, IDEAL, why not just call existence..."existence?"

Why go with the "god" nonsense?

If "existence" is what IS...and if you are absolutely sure of it...why on earth call "existence"...god?

By the way, how do you know all this stuff is so -- or are you just guessing?
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Reply Tue 10 Feb, 2004 08:22 am
IDEAL Singh, your thesis contains so many errors of logic that it is laughable. Laughing

First of all, if you want to define existence as "God" that is fine by me, since of course it is the "existence" of the universe that provided the conditions in which human life could evolve.

But you cannot change horses in mid-stream and pretend that you have now also proven the existence of a personal God who has any of the attributes commonly assigned to him by mythology.

There is no Law inherent in the universe as we know it that says God cannot be evil. That is nothing more than wishful thinking.

What force could prevent a God from designing hideous parasites, diseases, defects, greed and lusts that would cause his creations to prey upon each other? Who could prevent him from flooding a world and killing innocent babies? What if he found it amusing to watch his priests abuse his altar boys? Twisted Evil

You list a number of frequently posted but false dichotomies:

Of course good can exist without evil. People could have absolute freedom to do anything they liked, but freely to choose not to harm each other. But people who have been inflicted by their "creator" with mental defects, irresistible cravings and lusts but have not been endowed with the character traits that allow them to resist, do not really have the freedom NOT to act on their desires.

Of course light can and does exist without darkness. The only way you can "remove" darkness is to add light (which is nothing more than photons of certain frequencies), not the other way around. There are always photons around even when they are not in the visible spectrum (CMBR) so there is no true darkness anywhere in the universe. A universe could be completely filled with visible light, if it had no objects to block the light of its stars and create shadows.

You can only remove cold by adding heat. Temperature is a measure of how fast molecules are vibrating due to energy content. Even at Absolute Zero, there is still a small amount of vibration because of Heisman's Uncertainty Principle.

Yes, of course there can be life without death, females without males. The original single-celled life forms that reproduce by splitting are still alive. Each one has a chain of existence stretching back 3.5 billion years, unbroken by death. A number of species of animals have done away with males and now reproduce by parthenogenesis.

If we could eliminate the biological processes that cause aging, we could have eternal youth. The trade off might be a higher cancer rate.

I can easily imagine a beautiful world without ugliness. Why can't you?

I do not know if we were created with a purpose. I only know that I find meaning in my own life without a need to believe in supernatural beings.
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Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2004 06:07 am
IDEAL Singh, your thesis contains so many errors of logic that it is laughable.

I hope you had a hearty laugh... Good for people like me and you who invest loads of time sitting on the computer...

Infact you observations made me have hearty outburst as well... Reason... you did not even dare to think outside the boundary walls of mythological personal God...

I could not get from which angle did you conclude that I am claiming or trying to establish the existense of a Personal God, who has any of the attributes commonly assigned to him by mythology.

I am not talking about a Personal God, but talking about a Universal One... Now for that I have to define what type of God I am talking about...

See my idea of so-called God is of "Being and Becoming". The 'being' is having the knowledge and awareness of the essential nature of the divinity of individual and its relation with the the Creator/the Existence...

The spark of divinty in a individual, having the same content as so-called God, has the potential to 'Becoming' a perfect like Him and become one with Him. This awareness is the basis of "Universal Brotherhood" or the "Equality of Mankind" as the "Spirit Consciousness" is same in everyone and every kind of life form from the lowest to the highest. It is this realization which makes me agree to the logic that "All Mankind is One and No enemy and No stranger." Any problem with that ?

The Spirit being divine and everfree and infinite cannot be expressed in a finite way as only the infinte can be expressed only in infinte way, no one can seal the Truth/Infinite in a book and say that is it!! Its just childish. Only a dogma can be sealed and has final conclusion/revelaton... not a Religion. Spiritualism is ever evolving !!!

Start loving every one and you are half way there, but in schematic creeds God is only limited to certain people, it favours the few but damns the rest of the lot. Its a partisan God not a Universal One... thats why schematic creeds lack the appeal of the bliss of Super Soul and is void of Spirituality/Divinity, hence crushing the inituitive spirit of their adherants leading them to neither way and Spiritually Dead.

The God realized person has no abilty to damn any one to hell as he sees divine spark in everything and this has always been the measurement of one's deapth of spiritual experienses. Involution of the Soul/Spirit to the the universal consciousness is the aim of the indic Religions, has been the corner stone of the Indian philosophy, this was and is the main reason that Spritualism has survived and thrived in India only, despite the onslaught of spirtually dead creeds for a millenium.

So, You can say that I believe in a theory where "All Mankind is One and No enemy and No stranger." This awareness is the basis of "Universal Brotherhood" or the "Equality of Mankind".

But you cannot change horses in mid-stream and pretend that you have now also proven the existence of a personal God who has any of the attributes commonly assigned to him by mythology.

There is no Law inherent in the universe as we know it that says God cannot be evil. That is nothing more than wishful thinking.

There was no 'Law of Gravitation' before Newton propounded it. but that does not mean that there was no gravitation before the law was propounded. Science is not at all absolute in itself. It is ever evolving and new Laws pave for old established facts. Science can not be a yardstick because it itself is ever evolving.

What force could prevent a God from designing hideous parasites, diseases, defects, greed and lusts that would cause his creations to prey upon each other? Who could prevent him from flooding a world and killing innocent babies? What if he found it amusing to watch his priests abuse his altar boys?

Your point ? You did not get what the articles says. Read again the full article. God is not an Object like in case Christianity or Islam etc.

You list a number of frequently posted but false dichotomies:

False ? Why ?

Of course good can exist without evil. People could have absolute freedom to do anything they liked, but freely to choose not to harm each other.

You said "People could have" but they don't have such a freedom. I agree that it could have better if people could freely choose not to harm each other... but they dont... can you tell me why ?

But people who have been inflicted by their "creator" with mental defects, irresistible cravings and lusts but have not been endowed with the character traits that allow them to resist, do not really have the freedom NOT to act on their desires.

This is a beautifull point you have raised... but again you have not done the justice to the article... read again... to be more practical mental defects happen due to carelessness of human beigns... we can say we used our freedom to be careless... cravings and lusts are also human induced... to control them is also in the control of beings...

Of course light can and does exist without darkness. The only way you can "remove" darkness is to add light (which is nothing more than photons of certain frequencies), not the other way around. There are always photons around even when they are not in the visible spectrum (CMBR) so there is no true darkness anywhere in the universe. A universe could be completely filled with visible light, if it had no objects to block the light of its stars and create shadows.

You can only remove cold by adding heat. Temperature is a measure of how fast molecules are vibrating due to energy content. Even at Absolute Zero, there is still a small amount of vibration because of Heisman's Uncertainty Principle.

Yes, of course there can be life without death, females without males. The original single-celled life forms that reproduce by splitting are still alive. Each one has a chain of existence stretching back 3.5 billion years, unbroken by death. A number of species of animals have done away with males and now reproduce by parthenogenesis.

If we could eliminate the biological processes that cause aging, we could have eternal youth. The trade off might be a higher cancer rate.

I think you are pretty bizzare in your observations... you opinions seem to be so much dependent on scientific laws which are not at all absolute in themselves.

The above example were just ways of reflecting upon a different perspective. There was no need to take them litereally.

BTW, Why do you need to add light if it is already there? And the fact is shadows do exist... we have to add light to remove darkness... But My point was : Imagine if there was only light all around then we would have never learnt about darkness...

I can easily imagine a beautiful world without ugliness. Why can't you?

I do not know if we were created with a purpose. I only know that I find meaning in my own life without a need to believe in supernatural beings.

Well you are again miserbale shortsighted in your arguement... You can now easily imagine beautiful word with ugliness... but my point is : Imagine if there was not ugliness, as now you can imagine... how would you realise if there is anything called beautiful...?

I am not talking about believing in supernatural... its our own free sweet will... Just because you choose to percieve existence this way does not means you are absolutely right or viceversa... even though I would love to hear about your meaning that you have found out...
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2004 06:35 am
Once again, IDEAL, if you are talking about existence -- why not call it "existence?"

Why do you want to call it God?

If you are talking about "being and becoming" -- why not call it "being and becoming?"

Why call it God?

If you are talking about knowledge and awareness -- why not refer to them as "knowledge" and "awareness?"

Why call them God?

Why talk about a "Creator" (with a capital "c", yet) and pretend you are not talking about a God very much like the gods all these other people are talking about?

Why do you propose this BELIEF SYSTEM and then go through what you go through when people call you on it.

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Reply Wed 11 Feb, 2004 05:31 pm
Although suffering from some sleep deprivation,
I humbly offer an excerpt from a journal I have recently written upon, with hopes that it might help elucidate Singh's position, and allow a greater meeting of both your minds:

The ink flows, but the words do not seem to move. Each written word, by the time it is penned, can no longer exist, if it ever even did. The word itself is an abstraction, and so could not physically exist, but only exist in that moment of initial creation, within the author's mind. Once that moment is no more, so is the word, and all that remains is its memory, to be interpreted by another's illusory gaze.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 10:21 am
Re: Philosophy of GOD ?
IDEAL Singh wrote:
For those who know, God is the existence, or existence is the God...

The words "God is," followed by some thing, have thereby defined God as--you guessed it!--some thing.

... only things exist, not God.

If you can't get out of the first paragraph without a contradiction, I don't know if it would be worth the time to continue.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 03:35 pm
In fact, just to say "God" is to say that God is some thing. To name something is to know it. The problem is not that God is unknowable or esoteric - the problem is that God has a relatively loose definition and it interpreted differently by different people. When discussing these kinds of things, it's always good to know what you're talking about.
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Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 05:02 pm
Life experienced as linear time
I was thinking about the idea of life and how some people say that life is only the process of existing and reproducing and do not attribute any great Creator or force to it. They say that life just came into being out of chance. I have a problem with this idea of the basis of how living beings experience time.

The universe does not experience time in the sense of living beings. We experience time in the order in which entropy increases. This is the only way we can define our "past" and "future" frames. The universe, however, does not need these references. Time is tied into matter. The laws of physics could work perfectly well "backwards" as they do forwards, although it would appear strange to us because we are used to seeing time in the order in which entropy increases. Quantum mechanics has shown us that observing something can affect its past. This clearly illustrates that time has no direction for particles and laws of physics; time is tied in with the universe itself. There is not direction of time for the universe.

However, life has a direction. We experience events from "past" to "future", and never vice-versa. This is contradictory to how the rest of the universe functions. Therefore, I believe that life most have a deeper meaning because of this excursion into linear time. We biological can have just "come into being" but that does not explain how we live in a life with direction, unlike the rest of the universe.

This concept of life also solves one of the problems involved with time travel. Can you go back in time and kill your parents? If life is this excursion from the "past" to the "future" (or ordered to disorder, entropy), then by going back in time we have broken that meaning. Maybe time travel is possible, but going back in time would kill life. The being who attempted to travel back in time would die. This solves the paradox.

This all might seem off topic. However, I feel that it proves that there is more to life than just chance existance. I feel that this departure into linear time demands a need for a Creator of Life to have started it. "God" must exist.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 05:07 pm
Re: Life experienced as linear time
Thalion wrote:
This all might seem off topic. However, I feel that it proves that there is more to life than just chance existance. I feel that this departure into linear time demands a need for a Creator of Life to have started it. "God" must exist.

You were doing so well -- and then screwed everything up at the end.

The observations you shared do not PROVE anything at all -- let alone than "just chance existence."

They are merely observations that lead nowhere.

Existence may be a fuction of a God or gods -- and it may simply be that existence always was and always will be without the aid of any gods.

We don't know.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 05:34 pm
The entire universe is not bounded by a direction of time; it is all bound up in "space-time." However, life has a specific direction. This variation makes life independent of matter. Because matter obeys only the idea of space-time, while life does not, life cannot be a by-product of matter and the universe. Life must lie outside of the realm of physics because it contradicts physics with regard to how we experience time. As spiritual entities we do not experience time in the same way that matter does.

Put another way, life is not self-generative, like organisms are from a biological sense. If we watched an organism's existance backwards, we could make sense of it through laws of nature (al biet strange looking: the corpse "unrots", it is constantly undigesting food and spewing it out it's whole life, etc., finally it is "born" and the existance ends.) Organisms can simply come into being under the laws of the universe in both directions of time. Life as a spiritual existance, is not the same; it cannot exist backwards. Consciousness is not self-generative. Life and consciousness exist independently of matter; they cannot be a by-product of physics and nature because they have a nature that is not found in matter and the universe. Because life is not self-generative under the laws of the universe, it must have another origon. The divine logos of the universe, that which is all and nothing, is the universe but can act independent of it, the rational thought behind the universe AND life, must have created life. I feel this because of the issue on how life and matter differ in their progression of time. Life must have an origin independent of the universe itself due to this contradiction.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 12 Feb, 2004 06:14 pm

Well -- at least this time you did not end your extremely interesting observations with a comment about how they PROVE something.

And by now, I understand that you feel/believe/estimate that the implications of the observations you are sharing argue for a God or Creator.

I disagree with that, but I understand where you are coming from.

The answer to all this - is a mystery -- an unknown. I prefer to characterize it as a mystery or as an unknown -- rather than making the (what I consider to be) rash jump to assuming a Creator.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2004 01:35 am
Re: Philosophy of GOD ?
Nietzsche wrote:
IDEAL Singh wrote:
For those who know, God is the existence, or existence is the God...

The words "God is," followed by some thing, have thereby defined God as--you guessed it!--some thing.

... only things exist, not God.

If you can't get out of the first paragraph without a contradiction, I don't know if it would be worth the time to continue.

There is not contradiction dear Nietzsche... the only thing is that you could not think out Christian version of some physical God... Could you read the whole thing and then find out the worth of doing something...

0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2004 05:49 am
rufio wrote:
When discussing these kinds of things... it's always good to know what you're talking about.

Errr... Same to you...Wink
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2004 08:14 pm
So enlighten me, ideal. What exactly is the nature of this thing we are talking about?
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Reply Fri 13 Feb, 2004 10:53 pm
Read the first post line by line and we would get somewhere...Very Happy
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Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 12:08 am
Saying that God is existence is not really saying anything. Existence is an abstract concept, and surely you'd agree that god is more than that.
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anton bonnier
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 06:35 pm
I can see where you are coming from.... but you have not proved anything, only a Idea about a belief.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Feb, 2004 10:28 pm
anton bonnier wrote:
I can see where you are coming from.... but you have not proved anything, only a Idea about a belief.

From where I am coming from... Very Happy ? What if I prove something then what would you do ? What would you do if you finally met the so-called GOD ? Please share your ideas... Very Happy
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anton bonnier
Reply Sun 15 Feb, 2004 07:11 pm
Sorry IDEAl, To answer your question one would have to succumb to Idea that there is some truth in the mystique, I feel I would then become part of a myth. So on the assumption that we all exist, all I can say is "I exist" but my thoughts-Ideas-Beliefs are mine, and only exist for me ( when I remember them ).
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