So far only 1% expatriates. No income tax.
Phnom Penh... Cambodia?

Well I imagine it will be tough to find someplace cheaper to live than that!

I'm seeing $1,600 per capita earnings for Cambodia... Costa Rica's latest report is $8,300 (using GDP per Capita). Wow... it never occurred to that that might be considered high to anyone (stupid American). I'm told Belize has much in common with Costa Rica, and it's definitely cheaper there...(still $4,900 earnings

). Well, I hope saving the money isn't the biggest factor, or you're looking at a pretty short list. (I'm filthy rich in the Congo!).
Anyway, no, it's nothing like the Caymans. Prettier mind you, but costs perhaps 10 to 20 cents on the dollar to visit. 1/3 of the land is natural and protected. The natural beauty in so stunningly apparent as soon as you leave the city, that you kind of feel kinda guilty just for being there. All with the means should check it out. Of course, if that happened it would likely turn into an overpopulated Sh--hole like much of South Florida.