Wed 18 Feb, 2004 09:44 am
As many of you know; I'm going to Costa Rica again at the end of this month. I intend to file the necessary paper work to bring things in to sell. Right now; I'm looking for where I can buy the cheapest 100 Personal CD players I can find. In the future; I plan to ship containers full of various electronics, but I want to start new relationships out by giving away CD players. Does anyone know where I could get them CHEAP? Best I've found so far; is $12.88 each. Any and all help would be appreciated. Thank you!
Thanks darling... I hadn't found that one! I just filled out their request form... I just know I can do better than $12.88... I've heard they can be had for $4 to $6... But not by anyone who can tell me where! Thanks again!
HELP! (Just bumping with fingers crossed :wink: )
You mean like... fell off the back of the truck?
SealPoet wrote:You mean like... fell off the back of the truck?
LOL, no. I'll need to be able show an invoice in case I get tagged at airport customs (doubtful, but possible). Taxes will run just shy of 50% of the invoice price, so every dollar I can beat the $12.88 by will save me a buck and a half. Also, any company that will give the super lowball price will likely be able to get me great prices on other stuff too. The hundred pieces are kind of a two sided ice-breaker. I don't speak Chinese... and would prefer avoiding having to go China to find the deals myself. I'm hoping there is someone who has the supply chain already in place that would like to add an extra stream of revenue to their existing business.
Hey, Bill. didja ever find what you needed? I have thousands of wholesale item sources. PM if you want me to e-mail them to you. (Most lists are PDF format so you will need the free Acrobat Reader)
Please provide me the information for wholesale sources.
squinney wrote:Hey, Bill. didja ever find what you needed? I have thousands of wholesale item sources. PM if you want me to e-mail them to you. (Most lists are PDF format so you will need the free Acrobat Reader)
Please provide me the wholesale information and sources.
my email is
[email protected]
Good on you Occom Bill. I really admire what you are doing. I wish you all the best and hope it works out.
swallowed by the cracks wrote:Good on you Occom Bill. I really admire what you are doing. I wish you all the best and hope it works out.

Your admiration is misplaced.

I altered the plan and brought 4 of the biggest suitcases you ever saw stuffed with various electronics... figuring why not just test the water? Fell face down... and returned with the vast majority of what I left with. I was too late... because someone had already filled the niche through an ultra-cheap channel in Nicaragua. Live and learn. :wink:
Welcome to A2K!
not give up yet, right?
"Your admiration is misplaced. I altered the plan and brought 4 of the biggest suitcases you ever saw stuffed with various electronics... figuring why not just test the water? Fell face down... and returned with the vast majority of what I left with. I was too late... because someone had already filled the niche through an ultra-cheap channel in Nicaragua. Live and learn. "
Sorry to hear that, not GIVE UP yet, right? We may work together. I am a Chinese, used to work for multinational company in China for sourcing. Now, I am in Canada (not too far from you), doing purchasing and logistic for an import company. Most of their products are from China too. Thinking of doing my own business, if you have sell' s channel, my expience and connection in China will make it a perfect fit. Take care.
I just sent you an email. Please let me know if you get it!
Just sent you an Email, talk to you later.
Very cool. I'll get back to you via email tomorrow. You might want to edit your post to remove your email now so the spammers don't get it.
Want to buy watches from China
I want to ask a question to gevingo or someone that knows how to find a Trading Company. I would like to start small business of watches and I do believe the best place to start is buying from China (very good prices). Could some one please direct me on to the right direction?
I've little doubt he's the right guy to help you out. Had I went in that direction; I've little doubt I'd have done so with him. Good Luck!
Hi there,
I'm not sure where to get the products, but when you require a shipper you can give me a shout.