Honestly I have never met a European - not even a priest or pastor - who discussed the creation contra evolution. The one belongs to the Bible and the other in real life.
In school we we taught about creation in religious instructions and
about evolution in biology.
Again in history - the history of our country 3rd or 4th grade(?) we we taught about the nordic gods, their story about creation Ginnungagab and the two first people Ask and Embla.
We never mixed up those three things - we knew were they belonged.
What I think is interesting is that the story about creation is very similar to the evolution. First water, then earth, then animals and the last ones people.
How could humans thousands of years ago come up with a story - creation - rather close to the evolution?
Why are the two first human beings according to the story in the bible Adam and Eve ? The names starting with A and E. The same as in the mythology of the Nordic goods?