One of the claims the Gaea-worshipers make is that the terrible horrible poison, CO2 (without which the living world on the planet would collapse) rises and falls with temperature... THEREFORE it has to be that when people smoke too many cigars or own too many cows which fart too much or drive too many SUVs, it raises CO2 levels and heats the planet, thereby harming Gaea; therefore we need to shut down our economies and watch 90% of our fellow people die off for the benefit of Gaea.
In real life, CO2 levels generally LAG temperature changes (which are caused by changes in solar output), and do not LEAD them and, aside from that, are shown to be a minor factor in global temperature:
There is a paradigm problem involved in this; if you actually believe that our sun is a 4BY old thermonuclear furnace, you have no way to believe that it would heat up and cool off periodically, but we know that it does, and that is what causes changes such as from the medieval optimum (which William Connelley and others at East Anglia tried to hide and remove all trace of from Wikipedia) to the little ice age.
There is a competing general paradigm for how stars work which actually predicts such fluctuations, one version: