Obviously Revenues Were Threatened

Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2012 07:11 pm
hawkeye10 wrote:

It is for instince the women who do the deed and who push clit chopping, men have almost nothing to do with it. This is not a story that the feminsts want told however, so most Americans have no clue of what the truth is. The story told is the same story that is always told....it is all the fault of the men, "Men SUCK!"......
I am certain that you understand female circumcision no more than you understand male circumcision... It is because animals do not do it that people do, and for primitive peoples, even other nations are considered as animals... One needs to be able to recognize ones friends at a glance, and this accounts for much group behavior; but it is not so much out of contempt of women as fear of them that women cut women... An uncut woman is seen as an animal, sexually untamed, and so a danger to the order and peace of the community... And everyone, not only women, make a sacrifice of self to be members of any community... Some times, that sacrifice means that we must bite our tongues off rather than offend...

Only if you think your fellow citizens and their good intentions toward you count for nothing, or believe that law exists outside of human will, and that law will protect you even when you stink up the public airwaves with hate and incite to injustice, would anyone speak as rush has done... We have our right to speak at the pleasure of our fellow human beings, and that right ends the moment we use it to harm others... We have the right to tell the truth... We have the right to speak well, and soundly of the facts... We have no right to injure fellow citizens, and it is injury that unmakes rights as much as good makes rights..

Clearly, the republicans have a completely different view of women's rights than other people... The republicans think that women are granted their rights by men, and if not men, then by a majority of the voters... It is not out of government and law that people have their rights, but out of their store of rights that they make law and government...If a right is a right, it is because some one finds it essential to their happiness, life, or wellbeing... And it is a right if it injures no one... To find fault with a right is not the same as being injured by it, but to deny a right because you find fault with it only is an injury...

The general republican conception of rights, -that they are granted by government- allows much injustice and denies much justice... The difference between a woman's reproductive rights and most of the rights of property is that the one causes great injury and the other does not, and the one is needed, and the other is abhorant...At the base heart of the matter, men want to deny women their rights because whether individually, or as a group, they do not like women denying to men their bodies as reproductive organs... They want to own women by forbidding all women ownership of self... Rights cannot exist in this fashion...

A majority can always be found to deny rights to the minority until there are no more rights in the whole society to deny... But to deny rights is to deny life, and happiness, and well being, and that is the fact behind the denial by women to men of the right to use their bodies and to deny them human equality... Where is the equal rights amendment to the constitution... It is the same class today that wishes to deny women their rights, and it is that group using privilage as right that wish to deny all citizens the freedom they find essential...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2012 07:23 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a "twat." There may be only one other epithet more crude and insulting to women.

this one's for you

Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2012 09:06 pm

Yesterday, the majority of the ads on Rush Limbaugh's show in the huge WABC market were free public service announcements placed by the Ad Council.

The American Heart Association said it would ask WABC to stop running the unpaid announcements.

“It is our practice to be a content-sensitive advertiser, and in light of the current controversy, we will be asking WABC to no longer utilize these unpaid PSAs,” Matthew Bannister, executive vice president of communications at the Dallas-based heart association, said in an e-mail.


After offering advertising slots for free, the Rush Limbaugh show still has dead air during advertising slots because so many advertisers have pulled their ads.
Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2012 09:12 pm
You don't have to go back that far, Rabel.

Think of Reagan in the 1980s and what happened to the Nicaraguan population because of the slander.

Think of Reagan in the 1980s and what happened to the Grenadian population because of the slander.

Think of Bush in the 1980s and what happened to the Nicaraguan population because of the slander.

Think of Bush in the 1980s and what happened to the Panamanian population because of the slander.

Think of Bush in the 1990s and what happened to the Iraqi population because of the slander.

Think of Bush in the 2000s and what happened to the Iraqi population because of the slander.

Think of Bush in the 2000s and what happened to the Afghan population because of the slander.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2012 09:15 pm
Face it, he blew himself up.

I always thought that was fat.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2012 09:23 pm
From one of Canada's two conservative national newspapers

Rush Limbaugh gives women another reason to vote for Obama

There is also, let’s face it, a double standard when it comes to the use of the world “slut.” Anyone remember Slutwalk, the feminist marches of last year that proclaimed a woman’s right to dress and act as she pleased?

It’s not as if the left is above attacking right-wing women. For instance, former GOP vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, who was a legitimate target because of her ill-preparedness for office, should not have been subjected to ad hominem sexist barbs about her motherhood, the legitimacy of her fifth child, and her sexual appeal.

But there is something so creepy and prurient about the conservative focus on women and sexuality. Mr. Limbaugh’s multitude of followers, and Mr. Santorum’s Tea Party base, have in effect been pushing for control of a woman’s sexuality in a way that is entirely contrary to all other Republican “get the government out of our lives” mantras.

They need a Pierre Trudeau to remind them the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. But they won’t find one in their ranks because, for them, all social issue roads lead to abortion.

There is only one way this heavy-handed approach to women and their reproductive freedom will return to being a fringe issue: How it plays with voters.

On CBC Radio’s The Current this week, host Anna Maria Tremonti interviewed Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who says the latest figures show that every time these social issues are put front and centre, the GOP takes “a tremendous pasting” with women voters. He says his latest poll, released this week on NBC and in the Wall Street Journal, shows that a majority – 56 per cent to 37 per cent – of women voters, including the so-called suburban soccer moms, prefer Obama and the Democrats.

These numbers will change and social issues will likely not loom as large as the economy by the election next fall. Even Barack Obama was smart enough, in coolly countering Mr. Limbaugh, to say that American women would make up their own minds about which party had the most to offer them on the economy and other issues.

But make no mistake. Rush Limbaugh, with his ugly attempt to sexually discredit Sandra Fluke, infuriated women – and men – everywhere, Democrats and moderate Republicans alike, who care deeply about how their own daughters are treated in the public sphere.

His tirade may turn out to be the ultimate donation to the Democratic cause.

Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2012 09:24 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a "twat."

So what's your point, Finn?
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 04:31 am
for them,(the Santorites and the AMphibians) all social issue roads lead to abortion
These needs to be said again so it can sink in. ALL social issues.
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 06:36 am
This birth control issue is an obvious example of reactionary over reaching, much like that leading up to the American Civil War... If you look at the situation objectively, there was no reason for the South to react to the election of a republican president as they did when it was their own reaction to abolition that made his election possible... They wanted a hard core, slavery at all cost, scorched earth, no prisoner approach that Douglas would not give them, and to his credit, Lincoln in the debates had forced him to compromise himself... But if they had offered only a single candidate for office they would have won, and instead had to offer not one, but two, because the radicals could find in Douglas no one as pure and uncompromising as themselves... Why did they do it??? Just as republicans today have everything going for them, the ante-bellum democrats had everything going for them... All the elements that play into republican control of government, their unity, their intransigence before compromise, the ignorance and fears of the people, the prejudice, zenophobia, and zenelasia they play upon, and the faith of the people in their religious leaders all give them an edge, and have pushed the nation further and further right...

I think the hatred the republicans show women is the same hatred they hold for all the weak people of America, and at heart it is contempt...The idea that they must avoid offending voters does not occur to them because it is being offensive that they have gained power... They want the world, and they want the country, and they mean to have it, and think they have the strength to take it with force, and this is no less than the situation as conceived by the democrats of the old South... What is the point of civility with a person you mean to defeat and drive into destitution???

Rush may be an idiot, but he is their idiot, and not one of them will call him out.. He speaks, in fact, for the vast majority of republicans, so the candidates cannot live without him... This attack on women's rights is genuine... And if you listen closely, you can hear the true emotion behind the contempt rush shows to free women...

Envy is behind his words... It is not concern for the fact that she may be wasting her love on strangers, or risking some deadly disease...He dwells on the act itself, as sluttyness, or prostitution, and talks of its visualization... These republicans who all identify with morality and religion say they hate the sin and love the sinner... They hate everyone, and love sin... They admire the sinners who defy God, and dare to take pleasure out of life... The best argument against the privilages of religious denominations is that they are all nests of hatred... The fear and envy that would normally be turned toward those who gobble up our country, our hope, our freedoms, and our future are turned against the poor who have no other hope than the gratification of momentary desires...
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 06:50 am
Where The republicans seem to go short in this analogy is that they fail to realize that women have "electoral teeth"
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 06:53 am
JTT wrote:

Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a "twat."

So what's your point, Finn?
If it is wrong to call her that, it is wrong to call her a bimbo, but bimbo is closer to the truth in meaning... She does not have brain one in her head which makes her the perfect republican, and she can moralize having no good sense of the meaning and import of the word... She was willing to throw her own children on the alter of political ambition, and it is so typical, as witnessed by Santorum doing the same...

It is insulting to call a woman a scumbag, and I have heard women in business setting call each other that to their faces for a laugh, having no understanding of the word and the way a man can equate a woman with the condom he uses when skrewing her...

Rush is a scumbag... Palin is a scumbag... Santorum is a scumbag. .. Newt is a real scumbag... And Romney is a scumbag that will never touch a real woman... Our sexual descriptions of people are so illuminating, but it is good to remember that society- if it will be society- demands a moderate amount of mutual respect... And I do not expect the right to respect a left leaning candidate when his election might cost them money... And I do not expect the left to respect the right when the right has proved itself incapable of any rational or just government... I do expect scumbag politicians or those pushing political agendas to show respect to common citizens as an office of honor...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 07:03 am
Social justice is essential to freedom... Economic justice is essential to freedom... It is no wonder that those wishing to deny social and economic justice for their own economic benefit should make common cause with the age old enemies of freedom in the churches...Consider, that our so called freedom of religion was the bribe offered to the churches to gain their support of the constitution and the bill of rights... To have the churches on board assured a victory of the reaction over the revolution... Religion has never been on the side of the people, and evangelicals even deny the right of people to justice on this earth, and strange as it may seem, those most in need of justice often support them because it frees them of the responsibility to be free, act freely, and achieve freedom as a legacy for their children...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 09:33 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
I don't expect liberals to go nuts when twits like Maher, Olbermann and Schultz cross the line, but their hue and cry when someone like Limbaugh or Coulter does strongly reflects hypocrisy and/or intellectual dishonesty.

Bill Maher is on HBO, he has already went through his own days of hue and cries when he got kicked off ABC political incorrect. Shultz had to be off the air for a while without pay. There is no double standard except in the minds of those who like to claim those things.

Bill Maher is a disgusting person in my opinion, I don't watch him or condone the things he says.

However, the difference in those examples is that a young woman was testifying before congress. It was a case of trying discredit her so that her words would not make any difference in the hearing. Also the implication Rush was making was that any woman needing to get birth control pills is only a slut and a prostitute and that we shouldn't have to pay for her to have sex. It was wrong on the merits as well as being insulting to women.

1. She wasn't testifying about herself needing Birth Control pills for herself. She was testifying about a friend of hers who is gay needing the hormones from the birth control pill for medical reasons. She couldn't afford them without insurance so she quit using them and as a consequence ended up in the emergency room and her ovaries taken out. So no one is being asked to pay for her sex.
2. Getting medicine through insurance is not the same as medicare of medicaid, you still have to pay a co-pay or deductible. So it is not free.
3. Even if it was, it would not be wrong. Insurances have been covering BC and other such medicine (Viagra) without asking the purpose for such description for years so it is not as though this is a brand new thing.
4. Rush Limbaugh did not let up, he kept it for days and even demanded porno tapes of Fluke so that we (who is we?) can get something out of it. It wasn't until advertisers started to drop him that he suddenly attempts to apologize.

Playboy ran an article about conservative women who were ripe for rape.

Really playboy? The whole playboy magazine and others like is nothing if not sexist and demeaning to women in my opinion so I don't see how that is brought into the discussion as though it contains any relevancy. I don't recall anyone bringing it up on tv, left or right. Of course no one deserves to get raped, conservative or liberal or anything else.

Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 09:35 am
wait, sarah palin is a twat, i thought she was a ****
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 10:58 am
Bill Maher is is an equal opportunity insulter. Much of what he says is true. Thats why he got kicked off of Politically incorrect. Too much truth and not enough joking.
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 11:01 am
i find maher creepy to look at, but i'd definitely listen to some thing like rush maddow, a political show that just **** on every party out there
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Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 12:13 pm
djjd62 wrote:

wait, sarah palin is a twat, i thought she was a ****

she is an idiot, and that fact has nothing to do with being a woman and has everthing to do with being a republican, by golley... where does all this equating of stupidity relate to female anatomy.. I am the proud owner of a scrotum, but I hardly consider it intelligent design.. palin is a scrotum.. or a twit...
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 12:18 pm
don't be a dick...
Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 12:22 pm
it has nothing to do with her being female, it has to do with her being a politician, the same statement i made could be made for any male politician as well, perhaps even more so, i'll give female politicians a bigger pas, just because they are female, especially some of them cuties i've seen in the nordic countries
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Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 12:46 pm
Rockhead wrote:

don't be a dick...
no way! My dick is where I keep my brain, and it is already a tight fit.. if I were dick some one would want to keep their brain in me, and that could get confusing.
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