Hi Edgar-
I am glad you relate to my little story. I sure like yours... VERY well written.
And gus... you have the dark humor down!! I like the idea of the 'bodies' tied on the back of the carts like dried Christmas trees in January- headed for dump.

A Tale of Wiser Heads.
Three were in the car as I walked toward it to get in. Levi was driving, Carrie was tucked under his right arm... because... I saw there was another guy way over on the right side of the front seat. I had seen him around- he was 'Jimmy' - and I couldn't help but notice the guy in the back seat was rather handsome.
I just hated that flushed feeling coming over me when someone new was around. This was my blind date. Carrie had motioned for me to get into the back seat with him.
"Pat, this is Bob-- Robert Dinney if you want to be formal" she chuckled out a silly grin- " and Bob, Patsy. Or just Pat her if you want." She continued to snicker as we teens did.
Boy, did I feel ill at ease! Bob was dressed casually but sharp and looked older. I felt like a little kid at a grown-up's barbeque. I know I was very rosy, as I said hi, and took hold of the well manicured hand he thrust at me. "Well, hi Pat. Aren't you just the pretty little thing?! I am so glad I said I would come!"
Well, now. That is better. I was warming up to the picnic already. And I did not even ask if Jimmy had a date. Apparently, he did not- for we headed straight for the wooded creek-side Carrie and Levi had found.
The guys were all laughing and joking and Bob was so "friendly"- already had his arm loosely about my shoulders and holding onto one hand possessively.
During this
small talk, I had heard mention of drinking. Oh My! I had drank a Pabst Blue Ribbon with a guy on a date once, but I did not think we should drink. I kept quiet... but-- good grief-- this guy who had asked me for this blind date was a bugger! First thing I knew he lifted my chin and put a soft kiss RIGHT ON my lips! That is when I smelled a hint of liquor.
Inside, I shook a little. I think I even prayed a little bit too. I HOPED we could have a good time, eat a hot dog and go home in the same day we came.
I was laughing and running around with Carrie when we got out of the car, and the guys were building a small fire in the rocks. They brought the food ---- we did not have anything to do but look at the brook. I saw them passing around a bottle. It was an UNMISTAKABLE bottle of liquor of SOME kind.
Something up at the campsite exploded like a bomb!! I was scared to death, and Carrie was yelling "What the hell...??" (she had a flavorful manner of speaking) Suddenly the guys were laughing and clowning and yelling at Jimmy while he stood sheepish, feeling stupid. "Oh the nut put the can of chili right into the fire... dumb nut... " Levi was laughing. "Aw, what the hell, we will eat the hot dogs without chili".
While Bob and Levi pointed out to Jimmy that he needed to poke a hole in the top of the can and prop it over the coals- Carrie and I began putting the hot dogs together. Bob yelled from over by a tree- "Hey Jimmy, if you want some chili, here's a blob on this tree.... haahahahha"
We could all laugh now, I was not shaking anymore.
Before I finished my chips, Bob was handing me a small shot glass. "Here, doll, have a few sips of this". "What is it?" I pretended to be interested. "Bourbon, you will like it. See-- you just put this little glass about half full, and throw it down your throat like this, and take a sip of the coke." "I don't think I want any", I grinned, "I am not used to drinking". "Oh, come on," he soothed, "a little taste will make you feel good".
All the teaching I had from everyone who loved me came back. I am seventeen and a good, virtuous girl--- I thought to myself. I may never see this man again... I don't know who he is, and I need to get out of this!! I was too shy to be outspoken, and too scared to beg.
"Maybe in a minute," I said. Then, "Go on, pour a bit for me". I sniffed and sniffed at it smiling. "Lookee here" he yelled to Levi. "I'm feeding the doll liquor".
While Bob had his head toward Levi----betcha it was not over 3 seconds.... I flipped that liquor over my shoulder, and put the cup to my lips, pretending to drain it and get every drop. "Hmmm, I told him" shuddering my shoulders a little at the strong taste, "It's not TOO bad".
WELL. That guy was thrilled, and in a few minutes he wanted me to do it again. Carrie was staring at me blankly. She knew I did not drink. "Girl, you better watch yourself with that stuff," she warned. "You'll get sick and I don't want pukin' all over the car." "Hey---" Bob told her, handing her the bottle, "You have some." "NO way", Carrie sputtered. She grinned as she said, "Drinking makes me sick". "Anyway, I'm
high all the time, ain't I, Levi?" They made kissing noises at each other.
(I thought I was going to puke anyway... and not even sick).
After awhile, when I had thrown my third half/shot in the bushes- (I probably had drank about a half shot in the process) I began to feel a little light-headed. Boy, just like a light bulb, my mind 'came on'. I began to act like a drunk little girl. I wobbled, acted silly and begged for more to drink. Of course, they would not let me have it. "I can't be out here after dark" said Bob- " I got to see a man about some thangs"- "We got to be seeing you home, gal".
I wasted another half hour going to the bathroom in the woods with Carrie. While we were beyond earshot and past the creek, I told her what I was doing. Her eyes were BIG, and she said, "Well, I was going to tell you later anyway, that I chewed Levi for getting you this date. This guy is married and he just wanted a young girl for you KNOW what."
"I kinda figured that. Makes me mad, though- he's so good-looking and so polite and sweet to me."
"I guess so," she chortled, "at least till he gets what he wants". Ha ha hahaha.
We wove our way to the car, and Carrie told them..."Pat is sick. We need to take her home. She is going to be throwing up and everthin' if we don't get her on home." The guys loaded in, and I fell over, still pretending to be sick-drunk. But Bob insisted on propping me up against his shoulder and making sure he is getting a feel-job on my chest. He kept trying to kiss me and rub me all over, and I kept whining softly, "I'm too sick". Once or twice, I even made a heaving sound, being sure to add a 'gurgle'. He got away from me then, and rolled down a back window. "Put your head in this breeze, gal. Do you have any chewing gum. You smell like a brewery". Someone got me some gum, and I straightened up.
Before dusk, we pulled up in front of my house.
"I had a good time", I giggled- and Bob reached down out of everyone's sight and pinched me on the leg. "I'm gonna see you again next week, gal. You take care now."
I walked slowly to my house until I was sure they could not see me anymore, then I broke for my room and to change clothes. Luckily, I did not see anyone until I brushed my teeth and got an apple.
"What did y'all do today?" Mom asked while she was preparing supper.
"Oh, we had a picnic- and hot dogs and saw a really neat creek. But I told them I had to be home before dark. I don't like woods in the dark"
Mom just went on stirring... and I just kept on munchin' and a hummin'.... (and being thankful).