Quote:What is wrong in publicly shaming those who have placed their own interests above the rights and welfare of others?
What is wrong with putting your own interests above the rights and welfare of others?
Do you ship 9/10 of your food to starving nations?
Do you share your house with the homeless?
Do you give other people behind you your spot in a queue?
If you and one other person have the same foot injury, and you are seated and he is standing - do you give him your seat?
Seriously, the number of examples of 'selfish' behaviour that people find acceptable is virtually endless, but so many spout hypocritical morals about other people being more important than us.
The truth of the matter has always been found in balance.
Quote:Why shouldn't everyone be held equally responsible for their own actions?
If everyone is equally responsible for their own actions - why do you need to 'put the rights and interests of others' above your own? Wouldn't they take responsibility for achieving their own rights & interests?
Let me set this straight - we are all responsible for our actions. There are contributing circumstances, and there is responsibility. In finding causal factors, both contributing circumstances and responsibility combined has to be considered. And every action has a consequence (whether internally, externally, or both)