Quote:Intrinsically speaking, I cannot get passed the mind numbing question of "Why is there anything at all?" ...What are the underlying factors that make certain questions beyond answerable?
I'm tentatively skeptical that there is a "one size fits all" for those. The un-submitted questions potentially become dysfunctional due to varying circumstances, so that analyzing "Why is there anything at all?" below does not necessary yield factors universal or common to the others' supposed collapse.
"Why" or
for what reason is assuming a cause or instigator or necessity for being that itself already or always "is", regardless. Even if such a "reason" exists via only having this effectiveness or importance (intelligible), and not existing as a concrete entity "located somewhere" (spatiotemporal). For example, a rule like "everything requires a reason or cause", would itself be the bottom "reason" if it is so primal and eternally significant. But accordingly, it would already be an instance of being ("to exist is to be potent").
So under inspection the question falls apart as a dog chasing its tail: "What being is responsible for beings being?". Re-phrasing it as "What non-being is responsible for beings being?" introduces the puzzle of how something that doesn't exist can be potent, so as to engender or be responsible for what does/will exist.