Falling apart? Really?
85% of Americans have health insurance and most of them have been happy with their plans.
Doesn't sound like a system that's falling apart, but then I don't look for 100% satisfaction in anything, because I know it is impossible.
Employers are not forcing us all to obtain health insurance through our employment. It's worked out this way because it has benefited both employees and employers.
If anyone doesn't like the health plan their employer provides (and most people do) they can find a new job.
We're not indentured servants or slaves. We can all seek employment elsewhere.
You might love your duties, your pay and your working environment, but be dissatisfied with your health benefits.
Buck up for Christ's sake and make a personal decision based upon personal preferences, and the reality that most times you can't have everything you want.
A government that can tell employers what benefits they have to provide is a government that can and will tell companies what they can and cannot sell and what consumers can and cannot buy. It is a government that can make any and all decisions for us.
You're OK with this sort of intrusive government because right now the intrusive government tends to agree with your sense of what is right and wrong, but what happens when the government tells women they can't have abortions or that everyone must belong to a religion?
No doubt you will then be squeeling like a stuck pig about the overreach of government.
We have it too good.