Those Indonesian "Tiger" Shrimp are farmed and they grow to sizes that are almost like LAngustinos. However, they are grown in Indonesian Rivers which are often polluted by runoff and eutropy from all the Phosphorus and Nitrogen (GAAACH). I sty away from auper giant shrimp. They look like some kinda pituitary freks.
ANother one is the "hammerhead shrimp" These things are built like a car spring and can articulate with their bodies to deal with predators with this spring mechasnism . They come slamming down onto their enemies (or prey) and stun them or, in the case of humans, they can bust a finger.
They say that they are pretty good eating but not for me. I got bit by a Delicious MAine lobster once and Ill never forget that.(He got extra butter to ease the pain)