Ah that's it - it isn't necessarily effective. We haven't had to kennel our dog yet so we have been fortunate - Koda barks he wishes Diamond well.
I had no idea there were different strains. Well...like I said - we have just been lucky so far I guess.
Glad he seems to be feeling better -
My special cough medicine always makes me feel better too.
Love that stuff.
The off the shelf cough medicine they gave us when I was a kid had codeine in it and tasted good too.. that's not been on the shelf market for a long time, though I take it there are similar prescriptions now, including with the old '40's company name, Cheracol.
The cough medicine my dr prescribes has codeine...warm fuzzies are a wonderful thing to go to sleep to. Probably best it's not over the counter anymore...
This is so bizarre.... Diamond is now afraid of his water dish.
I think it must be because he's high. I looked up the cough suppressant and it is a narcotic. I guess it's made him "scared" of his water dish.
So how do I know this, you might ask....
Diamond likes company while he eats so I usually sit on a little chair while he dines. He eats and looks to me and then eats and looks to me. I smile. I say "eat".
I know I'm a dork.
He likes it.
I love him.
So anyway.....
He usually has a nice drink of water after eating. Now he dips in, has a lap or two and then freaks out, jumping away, upsetting the dish, sending water everywhere.
The toilet water provides no such anxiety though.
Maybe he just can't knock the damn toilet over.....
I'm thinking I might need a dog cough suppressant tonight because, you know, it sounds kind of interesting and all to be freaked out by the familiar......
boomerang wrote:
I know I'm a dork.
He likes it.
I love him.
Nothing at all wrong with that. At least I hope not. I do something similar with my bulldog.
And yes, sounds like he's on a fair 'trip' right now. Does he do ice cubes? Might be a better way to get water into him while he's flying.
Is it a metal water dish? Maybe he can suddenly see his reflection in the water and is trying to protect you from the monster in the water.