I recently heard a news story, from the Czech republic, of a female politician who had recently undergone breast reduction surgery. After revealing her new busty outlook, her fellow male politicians had made her a running joke in parliament.
Several members of her own party were interviewed and each said, - "We are not in the United States. We have different habits here in Central Europe," Others were heard commenting about Political Correctness in the US.
Quote:It started in November, after Education Minister Petra Buzkova underwent a breast-reduction operation, explaining that she did so for health reasons. The tabloid Blesk had the great idea of asking male members of Parliament to comment on the "issue."
The results were really remarkable. Michal Kraus of the Social Democrats let his constituents know that because he has big hands he prefers a bigger size. Vlastimil Tlusty, chairman of the Civic Democratic (ODS) delegation, said Buzkova "has lost her two best attractions." His party colleague Petr Bratsky sensitively noted, "If I wore a large brick on my chest, I'd cut it off as well. At least she doesn't have to bend forward in front of [Prime Minister Vladimir] Spidla." Observant Communist Deputy Jiri Dolejs said, "I noticed she looks slimmer and thought that a good bra can do wonders."
All the others remained silent or further confirmed their foolishness, such as Kraus: "If somebody asks me about breasts, I am not only a politician, I am also a man, and I have the right to have an opinion."
Now my question isn't about this particular example, per se, but I'm curious......
In countries where 'free' speech is celebrated, have we made up for this liberty and lack of boundaries by becoming our own language police? Are the implications of absolute freedom too much for some, thusly creating the ugly beast that is PC? A kind of boomerang effect...
I'm interested in your thoughts.