More and more, I thinkm that you are jut posting your crap to develop a "can" of submissions so that, when you are involved in your phoney science ipsidixitism, you can have a back "catalog" of tripe with which you are supposedly using as scientific "evidence"
The only fossil in a basalt that is known is out in the Columbia basalts of the Pliocene eruption cycle. In this eruption, "flood basalts" trapped a wooly rhinocerous and actually formed a "CAST" like the poor souls in Pompei and Herculaneum.
There are NO fossils of any kind in igneous rocks. PS why did you focus on basalt, how about Tholeite, granodiorite, Diorite,Tonalite, etc etc.
Im glad A2K has been removing your stupid website. We are not that gullible herein. Go somewhere else and try out your crap.