Quote:It is the unwillingness/inability to carry out the functions of representing the people that matters, not the reason or the excuse there-of.
She was not unwilling to carry out her functions.
And, as long as she was in office, her Congressional district offices were open she was carrying out her duty to represent the people of her district in their dealings with the federal government. That is a
major part of the service that a Congressional representative provides.
As I said before...
As far as I know, there will now be no Congressional district offices to handle constituents needs and inquiries, or to register constituents opinions on any pending legislation in Congress, until a new representative is elected. Who would run or fund them? Those were her offices, with her staff, they ran under her direction, and they are being closed.
Quote:The cynics have long claimed that most people care more about their representative bringing home the pork than they do about doing good works for the nation on the floor of the House
You don't even understand what a Congressional district office does.

It has nothing to do with "bringing home the pork"--if pork comes home, it is through legislation, and generally not to a single Congressional district, but to an area--and that is what goes on on the floor of the House. As usual, you have it backward.
Repeatedly, throughout this thread, all you have done is display your glaring ignorance about the actual day-to-day work a Representative in Congress does for a district--and that work goes on in the district, not in Washington..
Those district offices are a major source of assistance for constituents who have problems with Social Security, Medicare, and any other benefit program, or department, involving the federal government. Constituents care more about that sort of direct assistance, that helps them in their daily lives, then they care about whether the representative is in Washington voting on a bill that doesn't pertain to them in any way. Those offices provide real and meaningful assistance to constituents--they are the constituents link to the federal government, and they provide help, and intervention, for constituents who are trying to deal with the bureauracy of the federal government.
Quote:The office is still funded, the staff is going nowhere right away, not till July at the earliest.
Show me the proof of that. That article you posted says nothing of the sort. It's urging a "caretaker candidate", of Giffords choosing, to be the only candidate on the special election ballot, to keep things running until November, as she would have done, and who then would also retain her staff until November. It refers to a member of her staff possibly being that candidate--since they are the people most familiar with the issues of the district. And it says..
Quote:In the event the current D8 staff members simply want to ride out the remainder of the term doing the fine work they have been doing...
Referring to their continuing to work for whoever will be chosen in July, if they want to.
It does not say the district offices will remain open between now and July or that they will be funded between now and July--it says nothing of the sort. As usual, you don't even understand the material you post.
She has resigned, and, once that happens, her district offices close, her staff disbands, the funding stops, and there is no Congressional district office because
the district now has no representative until a new one is elected. Those were
her district offices, and
her staff--and the funding for them was allotted to
You've proved your ignorance, and little else, with almost every issue you've raised in this thread.