Wed 18 Jan, 2012 09:48 am
I need to ask a question regarding the length of time someone may work for a company temporarily but full time before the employer is required to hire the person permanently. I was not hired through a temp agency, I was hired directly through the company. I have been working there for 10 months and 3 months full time. And I am in Massachusetts
There is no length of time whatsoever. Massachusetts is an at-will state. You can be a temp employee for 20 years. There is zero obligation for the company to hire you full-time, unless you have a signed contract for same.
Have you tried to discuss this with your boss? Even a temp has some one that they report to...makes sense to ask if there is a reason they keep you temp rather than hiring you as a permanent employee. Sometimes there are actual good reasons for this.
Also you are an "at will employee" - what is stopping you looking elsewhere if you want something permanent?