Look you idiot, the mineral makeup f the polarized thin sections clearly shows that these are pyroclasts. How many skulls you know made of igneous minerals?
You dont have a ckue about what youre looking at. I once found a "dendrite" on a slick rock surface when I was a kid. It looked like a fossil tree and I was convinced of its fossil importnace as a recording of past worlds. I then started following up and found a mineralogy expert at the delaware NAT HISTORY MUSEUM .(tHE GUY WAS A MEMBER OF THE Dupont family and he gave the museum building to the state)It was really a ploy to house his mineral collection. ANyway, he told me about dendrites and we wpent time among the collections seeing others. I learned that fossils can also have "Pseudomorphs".
You have a (And not even a really good one) "pseudomorph" that is a pyroclast having a sub spherical shape but a clear mineral makeup.
When you post **** like this you are showing us that you arent very impressed with knowledge , you are, more likely, pushing some sort of quasi religious agenda.