Fri 30 Jan, 2004 09:27 am
I had this epiphany at night, don't laugh, but is it possible to give different forums their own titles so that maybe more people would find it on search engines using different search queries?
Yes, that's how it already works.
is that what {page_title} is for? I hard coded mine because it wasn't giving a good title for the index.php, but is there any way to customise it more?
some, epiphany . . .
LOL, yeah, undo that and customize your page title through the lang file. I gave instructions on how to do this twice on the SEO mod thread (the last posts are about this).
you da man!
I'll do that =)
but can I customize each forums title? or only be actually changing the forum name?
It would be the forum name. Anything else would need additional fields in the database and code changes.
up to how long would you suggest the title name be for the index/viewforum?
If the keyword you want to target is "widgets" then "widgets" is the best title.
But say you want keyword combinations, then you might use "widget forum" or "widgets - blue, black, purple.."
Each word you add helps you with keyword combinations but hurts your single keyword by dilluting it.
So you need to see what works for you. I usually analyze my server logs to see whether I should go for keyword combos or the plain keywords.
I haven't figured out how to use the server logs . . . but go with compact and to the point? fewest words as possible and still get the people you want?
you know, this seo stuff isn't as easy as I first thought. I find myself constantly trying to tweak titles and words, and getting reciprocal links *phew* tough work =)
I'd go with compact IF you can get good placement in those keywords. If not I'd go for a longer title to try to snag combos.
Re: SEO, if it's easy others will do it, thereby making it harder through competition.
So it's basically as tough as the cleverest people out there.
well, the cleverest people that i'm competing with at least =)
couldn't handle it any other way