Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2004 01:05 pm
Thought I would just explain what the word ( squatting) means. it means living in a house without authisation. hope this explains it.

The men banged on the door with such force that it frightened the five children in the house. Mrs Mary Tate had been expecting it, and knew that she had made the right decision she had to go through with it, come what may for the sake of her children.

Everything was in order, food stocked up, the furniture stacked against the door. It would take many strong men indeed to get through this door Mary Tate was thinking, she was determined to hold out and she knew it would not be easy.

The night before Mary waited until her children were asleep; she looked at her husband Peter with unease and said to him

"We have to go through with it there's no other choose you do see that don't you Peter"?
Peter looked at his wife of eleven years and knew that it was not going to be easy for her.
"Yes love I know but keeping the kids locked in here for god knows how long. It's going to be harder for them. They'll win, by wearing you out. First they will cut of the electricity then the water are you prepared for all that?"
"Yes I am and you will get supplies sent up to me so we won't go hungry"
"That's not the problem I just feel that I'm abandoning you I'll be sitting in Steven's in comfort while you're in here with the kids and what about Elizabeth she's only five months old?"
"We talked this through last night. We will be all right and anyway you're more use to me on the outside" "Steven thinks your crazy"
"he would said Mary we've never got on, he's never seen me as a mother never mind a stepmother and who could blame him we're near enough the same age"
"I know but he is fond of the kids Peter stood up and kissed his wife I better go Steven will be up waiting for me and he has work to go to. Peter looked at Mary with sadness as he was going out the door I hope this doesn't take to long"
"So do I love, so do I"

Now the men were here and demanding entry
"No one is getting in shouted Mary the only way you will get me and my family out of here, is a set of keys for another house in a reasonable area. That is my demands and I have nothing else to say on the matter. The next time we speak mister what ever your name is, is when you have a set of keys in your hand ready to put through my letter box. Now go back to your bosses and get something sorted. I have five kids in here with me so don't think you can cut of my electricity or water supply, because if you do I will have the newspapers buzzing around you and your bosses like bees and I mean business"
"Mrs Tate said the official this is ridiculous you are putting yourself and your children in danger surely you must realise that"
Mary refused to answer, on and on the officials went trying to plead, demanding and getting angry but still Mary stayed silent.

The next day Mary lowered a rope out of the window and Peter caught it, tied the rope to a basket with some food and a newspaper. The rope was then pulled back up to the window. Mary sat on the bed reading the paper it read. They had made front page news.

"A Glasgow mother and her five children were stocking up food today in preparation to barricade themselves in their Dennistoun flat. Mrs Mary Tate of 146 Duke Street plans to get supplies sent up to her top floor flat by rope and basket. Her Husband Peter Tate is staying downstairs with a married son during the dispute".

Mary read the rest she couldn't believe it she had made some progress, now those hard-nosed officials would have to sit up and take notice and realise she meant business.

Reporters and photographers were now crowded in the street shouting up to Mary to give them a statement, Mary shouted down from the window
"The time for talking was yesterday, today is for action."
Mary then closed the window and looked around the sparingly dingy room; there was only one bedroom and a sitting room that was used as a bedroom for herself and her husband. The kitchen was very small with only room for a cooker and the toilet was outside which was an inconvenience and the place was over run with mice. This was no way to bring up a family after all this was 1971 you would have thought housing would have improved by now mused Mary it just wasn't fair.
"Mrs Tate please will you open the door this has went far enough it's already in the hands of the police therefore it would be in your best interest to co-operate by letting us in"
"Go to hell shouted Mary I've already told you no more talking I want the keys to another house" The official tried for another ten minutes in vain and went back to report to his boss.

On the second day Mary was beginning to feel like a prisoner, but she could not give up having come this far, she had to see this through hopefully it would not be much longer.

A bang at the door startled Mary she thought this is it they are going to force entry, but it wasn't, it was the local MP Mr McMillan and Peter. Mary was anguishes
"What's wrong Peter are they going to arrest you because if they are I'm still staying"
Peter interrupted her before she could finish
"It's alright Mary, Mr McMillan the MP wants a word open the door"
"How do we know we can trust him it could be a trick to get us out and their using you to do it?"
Peter laughed and Mr McMillan said
"Mrs Tate I can assure you this is no trick I have personally went down to the housing office and picked up the keys to a house in Provanmill, now all you have to do is let your husband in and you come out and I will drive you to the house myself I promise this is not a trick".
Mary moved the furniture enough to open the door with anticipation she let Peter in and she went out to see the MP. Peter closed the door at her back outside in the street the place was swarming with reporters wanting a statement, she looked at the MP he nodded.

Over here Mrs Tate everyone was speaking at once. Mr McMillan shouted to be over heard
"Quiet please give Mrs Tate a chance to speak so we can be on our way. Tell it from the beginning my dear"
Mary was nervous as she looked at the reporters; she took a deep breath and started her voice clear and precise
"I did what I had to do because I was told that the top floor stairs were ready to collapse and I would have to vacate the building. Mary took another deep breath and began again they were going to put us in Forestall the Welfare Hostel I refused because it would split my family up and as a family we stay together and that is why I barricaded myself and my children in the flat"
One reporter shouted
"Mrs Tate did you know that the council have reported you to the procurator -fiscal"
"I am aware of that replied Mary but I did what I had to do and would do so again if I had to."

The house in Provanmill was a four in a block, spacious with three bedrooms and a bathroom, no more going outside to the toilet and the kitchen was big enough to put in a small table and chairs. Peter and Mary finally got what they wanted a decent place with plenty of room for the kids along with a back green. Peter looked at Mary with a smile on his face
"Mary said to him what are you smiling at"
"You I'm so proud of you. How do you fancy standing for councillor in the next election, I'm sure the country would be in safe hands" "I hope you're joking Peter Tate or I will thump you one"
They both laughed because now they were settled for life. They had done it; they had kept the family together.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 718 • Replies: 11
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Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2004 06:30 pm
Thank you nells1961 and welcome to A2K. I suspect that your story went over the heads of most of us, but it was a fascinating tale. I spent a few weeks in Glasgow in my youth. It was a gray and gritty place in the mid-1970's. Apparently it hasn't changed much.
I spent a lot of time in London back then. I met a bunch of people my own age and temperment. Nice people, squatting (please explain that word to Americans) in an inexplicably abandoned area of row-houses. It was a strange place
Good for Peter and Mary Tate. Who is Steven?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2004 06:49 pm
Thanks realjohnboy glad you liked the story Steven Is Mrs tates step-son. I did not think about the word squatting how silly of me I just assumed people would know, but thanks for pointing that out to me.

And your right Glasgow has not changed that much, if anything its worse.
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Reply Thu 29 Jan, 2004 07:50 pm
True story: Johnboy was back in London after a couple or three years in South Africa; staying at his girl friend's parents' place. Johnboy had very long hair. Her father was some kind of executive with an advertising agency. There was a lot of tension and johnboy got dumped by girl-friend and her parents very suddenly. "Get out and get out now" was how it was put. They didn't like Johnboy.

Johnboy was riding a bus; one of the double decker buses. A guy was sitting there with his dog on a leash. They started talking and, in no time at all, they were comfortable with each other. So comfortable that the guy with the dog would invite johnboy to share the space where he and and his lady were "squatting." And Johnboy accepted the offer.

Nells, I am a BIG believer in the the Original writing thread. Sometimes it works, most of the times it doesn't (look at my postings). But we have to keep trying, don't we?
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Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2004 06:17 am
liked your story Nells true to life. Thing liked that were going on a lot back in the 1960s
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Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2004 06:24 am
Thanks Joe think it still goes on.
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Reply Fri 30 Jan, 2004 06:28 am
Realjohnboy Your life back then must have been real hard, but life never turns out the way we hoped. I am going to look at your postings.

And your right we do have to keep trying, even when at times we feel its a waste of time. Good luck to you. And Thanks.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 07:00 pm
Actually, Nells, the time I spent in Great Britain was fantastic! I was young and resiliant, and things always turned out well. I met a lot of wonderful folks.
Story-time: I got a lirft once on my way to Cornwall from a young couple. Each of them was maybe 21. Nice people. Very much in love.
They asked, so I responded, with my routine about my trek through Turkey, Egypt, Ethiopia and so on and on. The same tale that I had told so many times that I had it down to rhythm and rhyme. I could babble on for about a half hour, and be half asleep telling the same story.
Anyway, times were tough in GB back then. The economy was bad. He was a bank clerk. She worked in a child-care center. We stopped to get something to eat and I looked into their eyes. They looked so old; so tired.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 07:14 pm
you seemed to have done a bit of traveling, Johnboy. You have traveled to a lot of places and must have a lot of stories to tell. your life seems to be full of advetures. Sometimes its better that way, makes life more interesting.
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Reply Sat 31 Jan, 2004 07:47 pm
Nells (Helen?): This is a story-telling thread. Weave a new one for us, please. Hopefully, other folks will join. -john-
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 09:39 am
ok John will do it will be a challange, never did this before. Will post subject see how it goes
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Reply Sun 1 Feb, 2004 01:50 pm
John well I posted in two things that people can add there own views hope I've done it right, thanks for suggesting it. Now John all you have to do now is start it off. If you go to my other postings you will find the first one on Holidays, your idea LOL Second one under the Remote thief, but first you must read (REMOTE CONTROL FREAK). Well it is a start John.
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