That was really interesting, Farmerman, about your "breaking" news story. And now there is no recycling at all in your area anymore, or just no pick-up of recycling?
Fishin' -- I would love it if we had a "brown goods" recycling. We can't get rid of that stuff unless we pay by the pound at the dump. I laughed to think of you digging through the hazardous wastes for good cleaning products though. The reuse/recycle/reduce mantra sounds like it is alive & well and living in Massachusetts.
Littlek -- I'm really surprised at the description you gave because... wouldn't all the plastics just be incinerated? I thought that when plastics were recycled, it was chopped up and melted for reuse.
Urs -- Is all that recycling in Germany free? Do you know which other European countries have similar patterns? There wasn't much recycling going on in Scotland that I could see, just a few places that asked for aluminum cans. When I was in Spain, there wasn't any recycling at all. We'd leave our garbage in a plastic bag tied to the window railings and it was picked up every night. On those British reality tv shows like Ground Force or Changing Rooms, they seem to toss out stuff that I think could be recycled.
cjhsa -- I'm glad to hear that some people have figured out how to make money recycling. I know a guy who (says he) makes a really good living recycling car parts. He buys them all over the west coast and sells to shops that will rebuild them. I also know someone whose husband seems to be doing quite well as a plastics recycling broker, but I have no idea how his business works.
Sozobe -- I'm wondering about the big bin recycling as well. I've heard that recycling is a cyclical (heehee) business... so do the plastics or whatever that they don't need this week just fall off that conveyor belt and into a garbage can?
Mr.Piffka is in the construction business and recycles amazing amounts of stuff besides what we might consider standard. Even used concrete is recycled! Large amounts of metal, of course. There are places that will take almost all old construction material (doors, cupboards, hardware) and reuse it. One thing that he doesn't seem to recycle is wood, though he often has a pile of free wood that just disappears.

Maybe I just don't know about it, but I have seen him put treated lumber into the garbage dump because he says it shouldn't be burned. The local municipality here bought & paid for an expensive garbage incineration plant which can't be used because of our pollution laws.