Oy. My life. I spend as much time managing trash as I do on A2K.

Luckily, we have one bin for recycling. All goes in mixed together. Paper, all kinds except metallic, cardboard, glass and all kinds of recyclable plastic and styrofoam, cans and alum. foil goes in there. I rinse too, to keep the flies and racoons away.
Then we have a green waste bin for garden cuttings, grass, leaves branches, etc. This goes to the city or county for mulch. I try to put as much of that in my compost bin as I can.
Compost bin all the food and garden waste that qualifies.
Garbage disposal. Any thing left that can go in there, goes in.
Everything else goes in a reg. trash can. (hardly any food stuff left for the flies and racoons) This barely gets filled.
So at the end of the week, I have filled a huge recycling bin about 4ft high by about 3 ft square to the top with some left over, about 3 or 4 trash cans of green and I'm lucky if I half fill a regular trash can for what's left over.
Family of four in So Cal.
I don't know. ARE we wasting our time?