My travels outside of Europe have been confined to Google maps or Windows Explorer! All the place names you mention sound magical to me - on my list of places to visit when I win the Lottery!
Did you see the photos of Thai food ff posted on Lola's coffee house thread? Mmm ... my mouth is watering - just think, when you get to Phuket you can indulge in a much of it as you fancy!
Something very strange has happened ... there's a little yellow circular thing in the middle of a blue sky - could it be the sun? Wow, haven't seen it for a loooong time - and, even more important, it's emitting warmth! Crazy - we've had zero and near-zero temperatures for so long - and now - perhaps upper 6o's in places today? Must sit and rest - get over the shock. May pop across to Lola's later and have refreshments - might see you there!
Seeing the sun in this country, after the sort of winter we've just had - well, that is eerie! Not to worry - it's gone again today!!! Guess that was spring!!!
Fabulous! You had a hint of the impending wrath of summer. Scorching sunlight. Leaves crumbling as they dry out. Lawns turning the color of a lake bottom once the water evaporates.
Ah, the pleasures of a hot angry summer. Perhaps Bananarama can cheer us up...
Hopefully it will be a mild summer with lots of clouds and cooling breezes and rain only at appropriate times.
I honestly can't remember what a really hot summer's day feels like - so long since we had one! But your lyrical description of a scorching summer is wonderful - evokes all the sensations of a gloriously hot day - something to refer back to when we're sheltering under umbrellas 'neath a pewter sky as we seemed to do for most of last summer - with the Bananarama video clip as accompaniment to the sound of the raindrops!