Fri 18 Nov, 2011 10:58 pm
If the initial momentem of the universe were constant and remains at the speed of light, then as the Universe expands it would be accelerating. The reduction in gravity as the Universe expands would reduce; thus the pull on mass reduces and the mass would accelerate with the initial momentem from the Big Bang remaining constant.
The universe isn't expanding due to momentum, in never was. Expansion/inflation is a different phenomena.
Galaxies/matter aren't moving apart because they are moving through space, they are moving apart because the space between them is expanding.
we are gonna have to reassess gravity.
universe is expanding because of increasing dark energy....dark energy is said to be the property of space...i.e as the space between any two bound surfaces increases th dark energy with repect to those surfaces also increase.. hence they expand relative to each other.....its accelerating becoz the space between them is continuosly increasing.....