Well, during the 1980s before our two daughters were born, I did play Frogger, Ms. Pacman, and Q-bert. I especially liked Q-bert. But I never spent hours on end playing any video game like some people did (not that I knock that). In the mid-1990s my daughters started playing Sonic the Hedgehog games, which I also really enjoyed since they had a storyline and various items to find in each level. I spent a lot of time playing them until my daughters objected to a change that was made in Sonic's functions. Don't remember exactly what it was. In the early 2000s I played a video game based on John Carpenter's
The Thing (actually, a sort of sequel to the movie) since I love monster movies and stories. A few years later I played some video game provided by one of those little thumb-operated doohickies that you just plug into the TV. I ended up spraining my thumb, and it took me
over a year for my thumb to heal. So, no, I haven't played any video games since then. Right now I have too much to concern me.