Thu 27 Oct, 2011 11:58 pm
There are nintendo games:New Super Mario Bros,Dr Kawashima's Brain Training,Big Bang Mini,Dragon Quest V,Henry Hatsworth's Puzzle,Broken Sword DS Shadow of the Templars,Final Fantasy IV,Grand Theft Auto China Town,Super Mario Kart DS,Pokemon Platinum.
Out of all of the DSi Games in the World I have picked my favorite DS Games, I have picked the ones which I think are the greatest. But tell me, which DS games do you think are the best for your Nintendo DS?
I think the most classic game is New Super Mario Bros, but the original play nintendo game is very expensive, I now only played a few games, don't know what good recommend can play free
Yep,the super Mario bros should be the classical and famous one,almost known to the world everywhere. While I have got some new nintendo wii games and with Nintendo HDD includes 900 kinds of games. I am sure you will get what you expected there.
I like scribblenauts - it is one of the few I use on my kids DS.
I like Scribblenauts too. And Teenage Zombies.