@Frank Apisa,
John the least reliable. . . ?
This could be the source of your conundrum. If you ask a question about scripture, but are disinclined to accept answers from scripture, you will never find the scriptural answer.
You remember my friend Joe Sixpack? He had a neighbor whose other neighbor's dog would make hidden deposits in his garden. Now this man was a highly intelligent forensic scientist, not easily fooled. You get the picture?
One day the highly intelligent scientist discovered an encrusted deposit hidden near the rose bushes. "Dratitall", he said. "This could really be a malodorous detraction to our garden party." But, being highly intelligent, he needed to be sure; he got a stick and proceeded to part the rose bushes for closer inspection. This proved quite painful due to the obscure location and prickly nature of the rose. Nevertheless, he persisted and, though scratched and bloody, managed to poke the suspect substance. His scientificly trained olfactories soon confirmed his suspicions. Now, however, came the dilemma of discovery, for a rose near any other nuance might not smell so sweet. He would now be forced to return to that damnable bush with shovel and baggie, thereby exposing himself to additional injury. He was one of the more colorful displays at his party.
Joe had to ask "Neo, do smart guys always have it so good?"
Perhaps we already know the answer.