@Frank Apisa,
Ummm are we talking about Jesus or St. Paul?
early Christianity rarely criticised the actual institution of slavery obviously because it was part of a slave-master society.
Let me ask you this, did people in general for gay marriage and LG equality not a few decades back, no matter the religion or non religion? No, because society held back the freedom.
There is more than one variable at play here. Have you not realized it?
Last time I remember it, it is not the sole agenda of a religion to change the political status quo much. St. Paul was clouded by society's way I suppose.
And are you assuming that Jesus didn't condemn it once in his life? What if he did condemn it, but the scholars who edited the book was clouded by society's norm and deleted that portion of it?
Another assumption, Jesus actually existed.
I was a theist, was agnostic for some time, now I'm atheist, slowly transition to an atheistic Buddhist. I've been through most of that spectra.
All this what if's. We are not going to get anywhere with this question in the OP.
I have a paper due friday, so please don't feel offended if I don't respond for a few days.