Which is probably why you usually downvote them out of sight. Totally because you are considering them trite/sanctimonious and not at all because you can't handle then philosophically.
You are a slave because from day one, you are expected to work for a government that basically treats you as a farm animal.
1. From age 6 onward, you are not allowed to just run around adventuring, you are seen out, you are considered a truant. Your parents have fairly shaky ground for homeschooling, and child protective services can be called to basically kidnap you if your parents go too far out of bounds. Not even abuse, we watched No Reservations, and they were literally gonna take the kid away for spending time at the restaurant doing work. When your parents don't really hold you anymore, you are a slave.
2. You are a slave because the money you have is not backed by anything. You work but your money has no intrinsic value. Gold ultimately is a product of the physical world and of not much concern to those with religion or spirituality, but it can be said to have intrinsic worth. Remember this term for later, that means gold (and silver) are valued on their own, because in this case, that they are exceedingly rare. This is the money America valued most as a source of financial independence from the UK, but we have been sold out bit by bit over the years. Early America had no income tax, until about 1915 (or was it 1919) they used tariffs and other fees to fund the state. And or currency went from intrinsic value, to exchange value (the early greenback dollars called them gold certificates, and promised the bearer would be able to have equal value in gold), to fiat value (fiat means "because I said so" such money is based on our belief and not on actual rare physical items, it is not backed by anything), to fiat debt (where the money no longer is about value but printing on demand whenever someone takes out a loan), to digitally backed currency, to digital only currency. By stages, your freedom is sold away, and by the time you get to the last, you are talking about your every expense geolocated and tagged for taxation. This is slavery even if you think you are rich.
3. The human being is regarded by the secular community not as a separate spiritual creation from the animals, with a different destiny, and with intrinsic worth (told you I'd get back to that) but as an evolved animal like the other ones of the Cenozoic era. If humans have intrinsic worth, it means God values us on our own, not because of rarity (though driving across farmland you could make this case) but because of our being made in God's image and because of God's love for us. If this is the case, then we are humans, creatures worthy of being treated with inherent rights and respect. But if we see the secular mindset, then humans are a sort of farm animal that has populated out of control, and deserve to be branded like with cattle or chipped like we already do with cats and dogs, and who deserve to be culled like any other herd. The notion that humans are nothing special is a dangerous one, not just to the avoiding of human enslavement and mistreatment, but if we say we "love" our pets, and treat wach other like this, how are we likely to mistreat ourpets?
4. Lastly, the slavery to sin. Most of this you will not understand, but sin at its core is separation from others and from God. The easiest example is addiction. If the wages of sin are death, this is what sin looks like as addiction. You are a happy kid who loves his parents, and has no addictions to speak of. At 17, you take up smoking. Your dad and mom, don't like what you're doing to yourself. You get in an angry argument and storm out. Separation. You smoke regularly, now living away from your parents, and holding a regular job to cover the rising bill of addiction. You have to take regular smoke breaks, being further separated from coworkers. Ultimately, as you get old, you are enslaved to your sin. You want me to tell you about being chained to a ventilator, having your neck plugged out? Then you eventually die to your sin. You usually die alone here, unless you are lucky enough to have family that cares despite caring first about your addiction. You die in separation. This is enslavement to your desires, this is what it looks like. This is not to say Christianity is about being a rigid stick in the mud. "I can do anything, but I will not be ruled by anything." As long as you value things of the physical world as things to be pursued, you are governed by them. If you allow God to govern you, then even an atheist will admit you are free (because by logic, that would mean Jesus is right about service of God being perfect freedom if there is no God). And a theist would agree, because serving God is turning your back on the addictions of the physical world.
You are a slave. Most religion is about becoming free.