Why do you suppose Jesus never condemned slavery?

Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 06:24 am
Nevertheless, there are gradation un evil and sin, at least in Catholicism. And in any other form of moral system I know of.
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Dr Sliptinschit
Reply Tue 28 Jul, 2020 06:47 pm
@Frank Apisa,
This is a question I asked over in Abuzz a couple years back. Thought I'd give it a try over here.

No need for an extensive preliminary discussion of why I ask the question. In fact, no need to clarify or justify the question any more than simply to ask it.

Why do you suppose Jesus didn't condemned slavery?

Why do you suppose he never spoke out against it?

What makes you think he didn't?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Nov, 2020 02:37 pm
You need to study your history.

Rome had a majority of its citizens enslaved.


And Rome at the time ruled the world.

The reason Jesus never spoke out about slavery was that at his place, a bigger injustice was going on in Judea. The marginalizing of lepers and sinful as second-class. The Jewish laws that shut such sinners out of the temple and made it difficult for actual atonement.

I know the OP wants to smear Jesus as some kind of failure for not opposing slavery, but there are other things in life. To Jesus, being Jewish was a priority, and he wanted to reform things.

But his followers eventually advocated for the release of slaves.
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 13 Nov, 2020 02:43 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

You need to study your history.

Rome had a majority of its citizens enslaved.


And Rome at the time ruled the world.

The reason Jesus never spoke out about slavery was that at his place, a bigger injustice was going on in Judea. The marginalizing of lepers and sinful as second-class. The Jewish laws that shut such sinners out of the temple and made it difficult for actual atonement.

I know the OP wants to smear Jesus as some kind of failure for not opposing slavery, but there are other things in life. To Jesus, being Jewish was a priority, and he wanted to reform things.

But his followers eventually advocated for the release of slaves.

That was a piss poor reply...to a post made 16 years ago.

Perhaps you need to study history.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 12:13 pm
@Frank Apisa,
16 years ago or two days ago, the answer is the same.

When you type "Christian stance on slavery" you will get a great amount of bullshit, including from Wikipedia, which appears to have a paragraph lifted form another website.
"Christian views on slavery are varied regionally, historically and spiritually..."
Wikipedia starts with that, so does an SLife article below it. In other words, wikipedia is parroting plagiarized propaganda paragraphs. All of these are pushing a narrative that doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

The first church contains a letter called Philemon, where he tells the former master of a slave that he has since converted to Christianity, and as such is now a brother in the faith. Basically, since he is a brother, he dhould be set free. This is particularly telling about the priority of the church, that they would waste paper (valuable commodity when paper made from usually vellum rather than wood fibers; in other words, some animal had to die for you to write, so you didn't do it lightly). It has the worst case of guilt trip you've even seen, but the point is, this is what a man who never even saw Jesus personally concluded from Christianity. Yet Jesus himself came to free people from their sins, from spiritual slavery. Christian abolitionists were a real thing, and many priests spoke against slavery. Atheists? Well, you're gonna be embarrassed.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 01:19 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

16 years ago or two days ago, the answer is the same.

When you type "Christian stance on slavery" you will get a great amount of bullshit, including from Wikipedia, which appears to have a paragraph lifted form another website.
"Christian views on slavery are varied regionally, historically and spiritually..."
Wikipedia starts with that, so does an SLife article below it. In other words, wikipedia is parroting plagiarized propaganda paragraphs. All of these are pushing a narrative that doesn't hold up under scrutiny.

The first church contains a letter called Philemon, where he tells the former master of a slave that he has since converted to Christianity, and as such is now a brother in the faith. Basically, since he is a brother, he dhould be set free. This is particularly telling about the priority of the church, that they would waste paper (valuable commodity when paper made from usually vellum rather than wood fibers; in other words, some animal had to die for you to write, so you didn't do it lightly). It has the worst case of guilt trip you've even seen, but the point is, this is what a man who never even saw Jesus personally concluded from Christianity. Yet Jesus himself came to free people from their sins, from spiritual slavery. Christian abolitionists were a real thing, and many priests spoke against slavery. Atheists? Well, you're gonna be embarrassed.

If you have a problem with "atheists"...take it up with them, not me. I am not an atheist.

As for Christianity...IT ENDORCED SLAVERY.

Jesus did also.

As did the god Jesus worshiped...the god of the Bible.

The slave owners of America often cited their Christian heritage as a defense of their owning and selling slaves.

So I am not sure of what you are trying to get across...but you have failed.

Give it another shot.
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 02:04 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Does the Bible endorse slavery? No it does not. It tells Jews and Christians to treat slaves better than those around them, and recognizes that slavery was (at the time) a fact of life. All of this changed when the US abolished slavery. But lest you think that this is just the US, England also voted to do this. And the rest of Europe followed suit. These countries did so not because of Abraham Lincoln (who is on record saying he would have preferred to send them back to Africa) but 30 years of Christian abolitionists who viewed slavery as moral sin.
You wanna know what didn't abolish slavery? Islam. They still engage in slavery today. Why are they not payong reparations?
You know what also never really abolished the idea that there is an untouchable (slave) caste? Hinduism.The untouchables? The darkest-skinned Indians. Why are they not paying reparations?
Christians abolished slavery, and they are thanked for it by being told to pay reparations for systemic racism. Meanwhile, secular liberals engage in slave trade via illegal immigration. They use sociology to put blacks into little boxes, and scheme to make themselves look like heroes while they keep blacks on welfare dependency. Why are they not paying reparations?

Well surely if the Bible doesn't say anything pro-slavery, the fact remains that God is a racist. Wrong again. God is an immortal being without a fixed human body. He doesn't give a damn about race or sex. You clearly do. Doesn't that make YOU a racist?
But here, this is why God seemingly allows the evil of slavery to go on.
It's because we have free will and are allowed to do evil.

But you're gonna be convinced that I don't know my history. Why? Because the history you know is horseshit PC garbage.

Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 02:28 pm
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

Does the Bible endorse slavery? No it does not. It tells Jews and Christians to treat slaves better than those around them, and recognizes that slavery was (at the time) a fact of life. All of this changed when the US abolished slavery. But lest you think that this is just the US, England also voted to do this. And the rest of Europe followed suit. These countries did so not because of Abraham Lincoln (who is on record saying he would have preferred to send them back to Africa) but 30 years of Christian abolitionists who viewed slavery as moral sin.
You wanna know what didn't abolish slavery? Islam. They still engage in slavery today. Why are they not payong reparations?
You know what also never really abolished the idea that there is an untouchable (slave) caste? Hinduism.The untouchables? The darkest-skinned Indians. Why are they not paying reparations?
Christians abolished slavery, and they are thanked for it by being told to pay reparations for systemic racism. Meanwhile, secular liberals engage in slave trade via illegal immigration. They use sociology to put blacks into little boxes, and scheme to make themselves look like heroes while they keep blacks on welfare dependency. Why are they not paying reparations?

Well surely if the Bible doesn't say anything pro-slavery, the fact remains that God is a racist. Wrong again. God is an immortal being without a fixed human body. He doesn't give a damn about race or sex. You clearly do. Doesn't that make YOU a racist?
But here, this is why God seemingly allows the evil of slavery to go on.
It's because we have free will and are allowed to do evil.

But you're gonna be convinced that I don't know my history. Why? Because the history you know is horseshit PC garbage.

Stop ranting. You sound like an idiot.

How can you possibly say the Bible does not endorse slavery?

"Slaves, male and female, you may indeed possess, provided you BUY them from among the neighboring nations. You may also BUY them from among the aliens who reside with you and from their children who are born and reared in your land. Such slaves YOU MAY OWN AS CHATTELS, and leave to your sons as their hereditary property, MAKING THEM PERPETUAL SLAVES. But you shall not lord it harshly over any of the Israelites, your kinsmen."

Leviticus 25:44ff
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 07:21 pm
@Frank Apisa,
Because it doesn't.

There is a difference between PERMITTING slavery and ENDORSING it.

Why did you think they mentioned buying slaves from other countries? Have you figured it out? No, because you don't bother to read and analyze things.

1. First of all other countries kept slave trade IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY, meaning there was a native slave market. Notice, the Jews do NOT have a native slave market. Other countries do. This is a "Sigh... if you must buy slaves, buy them from those Gentiles. Israel will not raise slaves" not a "I, the Lord you God, fully condone slavery."
2. Second, they BUY them. You know what other peoples did? No, you don't so I'll show you.
Quran (33:50) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee"

Other countries waged war and enslaved the defeated. Other countries also sought sex slaves. Israel was only permitted to buy slaves and they were indentured servants, not sex objects.

Also, seriously, if Leviticus is what you got, forget it. Leviticus was laws reserved for the Levites, the Jewish holy. Even Deuteronomy is only partially relevant to modern Christians, the Jewish holy laws are written for a class of people completely irrelevamt to lay Christians. Only those laws that are about universal moral behavior are relevant. If current morality prescribes behavior BETTER than the laws of Leviticus, by all means follow that. It does, slavery is wrong. Most Christians agree with this assessment.
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

These teachers you have may tell you what you want to hear, about how racist the Christians and Jews were, but the Jews didn't take war prisoners as slaves and they didn't have a slave market in their own country. Judaism also tried with limited success to do awar with slave ownership. Paul petitioned Philemon to release his slave.


Salvation Army. Watch the video.
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 07:35 pm
but the Jews didn't take war prisoners as slaves

I don't think Bulmabriefs has ever read the Bible.
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 08:00 pm
I'm afraid that I have. This is what it says of women taken in warfare.

10 “When you go out to war against your enemies, and the Lord your God gives them into your hand and you take them captive, 11 and you see among the captives a beautiful woman, and you desire to take her to be your wife, 12 and you bring her home to your house, she shall shave her head and pare her nails. 13 And she shall take off the clothes in which she was captured and shall remain in your house and lament her father and her mother a full month. After that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife. 14 But if you no longer delight in her, you shall let her go where she wants. But you shall not sell her for money, nor shall you treat her as a slave, since you have humiliated her.

The only passage that mentioned anyone being obtained through war that I found offhand. Wives, not slaves, and you let them go later if things don't work out.

“If your brother, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you, he shall serve you six years, and in the seventh year you shall let him go free from you. And when you let him go free from you, you shall not let him go empty-handed. You shall furnish him liberally out of your flock, out of your threshing floor, and out of your winepress. As the Lord your God has blessed you, you shall give to him. You shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God redeemed you; therefore I command you this today. "

Let slaves go after they work 6 years. And give them property to live on.

Were you a slave when called? Do not be concerned about it. (But if you can gain your freedom, avail yourself of the opportunity.) For he who was called in the Lord as a slave is a freedman of the Lord. Likewise he who was free when called is a slave of Christ. You were bought with a price; do not become slaves of men.

Those who are servants of Christ are set free from slavery to humans.

And God spoke all these words, saying, “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.

Part of the Ten Commandments, mentioning that God brings us out of slavery.
Meanwhile, I have mentioned that illegal immigrants wind up exploited and enslaved. You ignore me maxdancona (several times), and instead call me a racist for condemning illegal immigration. This means you ignore the plight of modern day slavers to talk about how Christianity is racist, while the biggest slavers really are the secularists and the Muslims. You turn a blind eye to it. And so I say to you, you will become a slave to other men, if you do not help those who are exploited and enslaved.


Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 08:23 pm
You are not reading the Bible... you are reading Google.

First of all, the Bible makes a big distinction between.

1) Girls who were part of the community (i.e. citizens) sold into slavery by their father (something that is allowed in the Bible).

2) Foreign girls taken as captives during a war. People in the Bible that were taken as captives were either killed outright, or made into sexual slaves with God's full support.

In Nigeria, Islamic militants have captured teenaged girls and forced them to be their captors' wives.

Are you really saying that this isn't sexual slavery?

Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 09:01 pm
I am reading the Bible online. Btw, you are reading Google. I have since boycotted Google for all searches. So I am not reading Google, ever again.

So at least you admit that Muslims do sex slavery.

Permission, not support.

Muslims support this, Jews are permitted this (a wife, who can be dismissed, not a sex slave "wife" kept against her will).
Jesus himself talks about the difference between God's permission and God's support. "Is it lawful to divorce your wife?" they ask, citing how Moses allowed a certificate of divorce. I assume they either expected him to say "No, Moses (the giver of our laws) was out of line," and break with Jewish tradition, or accept that because traditions were lawful in the past, they should be upheld despite their flaws. It was a classic trap, but Jesus told them that it was because of their hardness of heart that such laws were allowed.

In other words, God knew that people intended to divorce so he allowed a custom of divorce, despite the broken families, the separated children, and the financial instability it caused. To say nothing of the mockery it makes of the solid commitment to stay together as long as you live.

Likewise, any person knows you shouldn't have slaves. But people insisted on having them. There are laws about how a worker deserves their pay, and not to delay payment of a worker (don't treat a hired worker like a slave). There are law about how to treat slaves themselves, not to beat them or treat them harshly, but remember the time in Egypt as slaves. If we were to really remember the time in Egypt, we should not have slaves, period. But because of hardness of heart, slavery is allowed, but they should be well-treated and freed after seven years have come OR the Year of Jublilee. Hmmm, wait a second. The year that the Lord declares as his year, and suddenly slaves are freed? Gee, I wonder how God feels about slavery?

Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 09:22 pm
Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Be honest here. Would a person want to be enslaved?

Then by this rule, Jesus condemned rape, slavery, murder, and any other action that you wouldn't wish upon yourself.

"Jesus never condemned slavery."

Yes he did. Case closed.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Feb, 2021 10:48 pm
Christians also do sex slavery.

The difference is that Christians are supposed to love their neighbors (and even their enemies). You are failing that one rather badly.

Either Christianity is a religion of love, or it is a religion of hate. You can't have it both ways.
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2021 08:38 am
I sometimes wonder what's up with you.

You can have it both ways. Christians are human beings. Human beings have flaws. Mine is a tendency toward coarse speech and ranting.

Christianity is not a religion of love. Or of hate. This is a stupid oversimplification. But you like to do oversimplification, because you like putting people into a strawman.

Jesus is not some hippie dude that told everyone to love each other and blah blah blah old testament had wrong things so the entire Bible is wrong. Also we need to remove statues of Civil War generals because slavery is evil and racist, and people should have their pasts used against them. Okay then, some time when you're a kid and did something bad, we will never move past that. Either who we are now is all that matter and we smash evidence to the contrary, tearing down old monuments to pretend it never happened, or we look at other people and see only their flaws. If you want to play this all or nothing game, I'll be more than happy to play it on you! I'll dredge up some past event in your life, and insist you haven't moved beyond it.

No, that misses the point! We have Civil War monuments to remind us that slavery existed, and remind us not to lapse back into it! And people learn and grow and develop! That's why we have the Old Testament! To remind people that the way God's chosen people were, they wouldn't be chosen by anyone. Yet they were still treating slaves better than their neighbors. And you would begrudge them for having slaves at all. Fair enough, we'll hold you to your past wrongs. All of them.

God is often painted as either all-good or nonexistent. Because stupid people can't grasp a God who behaves like a human. Humans grow and get better as time goes on. Let's look at God. God throughout the Old Testament is like a mirror of the Jews themselves. The scene in the Ten Commandments csn best be described as a temper tantrum. As the book transitions into the New Testament, God becomes kinder and gentler. This isn't because these are different Gods. It's because the Jews evolved as a people, and stopped being warlike. They settled in their homelands. God is his people, and God's behavior changes as they change.

No, the Bible is not a book of love. It's not a book of hate either. It's a book of forgiveness. David was forgiven despite sleeping with his general's girl and plotting his death. Abraham lied about his wife being his sister. Cain killed his brother (the curse given to him actually protects him). Jacob stole Esau's inheritance. Joseph tried to get revenge on his brothers who in turn sold him into slavery. Moses killed a man for mistreating a slave, if I remember correctly.

It's about how we have shameful pasts, all of us, and this idea that we are loving or hateful with nothing in between is stupid. Human beings are a mixed bag! But what is the worse sin? Suppose you get blackmailed. They find that no you're not perfect, there was that time when you did something as a kid, and we have pictures. Suppose you murder them to hide that you were evil in the past. Problem solved right? Of course, you didn't just murder someone or anything! Or maybe... we can accept that we aren't perfect, tell the blackmailer to go **** himself and stop paying.

I don't care that maybe even today some Christians have sex slaves. Some Muslims, atheists, etc also have them. The entire point is this stuff.

Christians have to deal with that they had slaves. They also freed slaves. That's the point. That's what's getting erased when you take down Civil War monuments. They're not monuments to slavery, they're monuments that slavery ENDED. That there was a war over slavery, and slavery lost out. That's what can't happen again. And when we get rid of things like Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima because we're offended by the past, we also erase the fact that Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima have the pictures of successful black entrepreneurs. We erase the good to deny the bad.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2021 08:51 am
I'm going to allow you to post your comments and not report you.

Therefore I endorse your comments.

Oh wait, no I ******* don't.

In the same way, God allowed people in the Bible to murder. David murdered his girl's husband. David wad not killed on the spot. Does that mean God endorsed it? Hell no! His firstborn child was killed. God doesn't always punish though, but this doesn't mean he's particularly happy either.

There is a difference between the passages of Islam which literally refer to slaves as "what your right hand possesses" and are seen as some sort of spoils for a war that Allah wanted you to wage, and the Bible telling people how to correctly treat the slaves that they decided to get anyway. One of these permits slavery at the time (but there is a clear undercurrent of "this is what Egypt did to you, and I visited 10 plagues on them"), another is never called out on their slowness to condemn slavery by modern liberals despite not only permitting but endorsing slavery.

I did answer it. You didn't bother to read. "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." Jesus did condemn slavery.

That video is to show you that the Salvation Army is working actively to combat modern day slavery. But you don't wanna see that. Just as Livinglava made the same point as me about Jesus saying things like divorce are old laws but not necessarily good ones a page ago. You didn't wanna see that either. Just kinda screaming "Leviticus! Look at Leviticus! I can't hear you!" Yup, look at Leviticus. So what?
Frank Apisa
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2021 09:47 am
bulmabriefs144 wrote:

I'm going to allow you to post your comments and not report you.

YOU do not allow me to post. I post because I've been part of this community since before the site even began...over when most of the oldies were part of Abuzz. I've been here for almost 20 years. If you want to report me...report me. I've been out-of-line before...and had to deal with the outcome. I'll deal with this one.

Therefore I endorse your comments.

Oh wait, no I ******* don't.

In the same way, God allowed people in the Bible to murder. David murdered his girl's husband. David wad not killed on the spot. Does that mean God endorsed it? Hell no! His firstborn child was killed. God doesn't always punish though, but this doesn't mean he's particularly happy either.

There is a difference between the passages of Islam which literally refer to slaves as "what your right hand possesses" and are seen as some sort of spoils for a war that Allah wanted you to wage, and the Bible telling people how to correctly treat the slaves that they decided to get anyway. One of these permits slavery at the time (but there is a clear undercurrent of "this is what Egypt did to you, and I visited 10 plagues on them"), another is never called out on their slowness to condemn slavery by modern liberals despite not only permitting but endorsing slavery.

The god of the Bible endorsed slavery.

Give up the bullshit...and you will see that the god of the Bible did endorse slavery BY NOT CONDEMNING IT.

In your earlier comment to Max, you wrote: "Let's look at God. God throughout the Old Testament is like a mirror of the Jews themselves."

Well, if you were not blindly guessing that there is a god...you might be able to see that the best guess that can be made about the god of the Bible is that it is an invention of early Hebrews...who put their sense of morality, their sense of right and wrong into the mouth of the god they invented.

That would be a much better guess than the one you are making...but, I acknowledge, it is every bit as much a blind guess.

You seem unable to do that.

I did answer it. You didn't bother to read. "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." Jesus did condemn slavery.

What a mealy-mouthed bunch of bullshit that is. If you can cite a passage where Jesus said, "Slavery is wrong" offer it. If not, accept that Jesus did not condemn slavery.

But Jesus would NEVER condemn slavery BECAUSE the god he worshiped said quite clearly that there is nothing wrong with owning and trading in slaves.


That video is to show you that the Salvation Army is working actively to combat modern day slavery. But you don't wanna see that. Just as Livinglava made the same point as me about Jesus saying things like divorce are old laws but not necessarily good ones a page ago. You didn't wanna see that either. Just kinda screaming "Leviticus! Look at Leviticus! I can't hear you!" Yup, look at Leviticus. So what?

Leviticus tells us more about what the god of the Bible abides than any video.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2021 10:20 am
I did answer it. You didn't bother to read. "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." Jesus did condemn slavery.

You are assuming Frank has ears to hear or eyes to see. I have doubts about that but I could be wrong.

But yeah, the urge to try is a bitch, but there comes a point when it’s time to dust off your sandals..
Reply Thu 25 Feb, 2021 12:02 pm
Leadfoot wrote:

I did answer it. You didn't bother to read. "Do unto others as you'd have them do unto you." Jesus did condemn slavery.

You are assuming Frank has ears to hear or eyes to see. I have doubts about that but I could be wrong.

But yeah, the urge to try is a bitch, but there comes a point when it’s time to dust off your sandals..

By the same logic, Jesus also condemned deportations and mandated universal health care.

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