roger wrote:
And some would say that when you have nothing to say, that is a good time to say (nothing) it.
He asked the question, and to ask the question properly is to surmise the answer which must be nearer to him than to any of us... You should consider the same in your affairs... Don't bother to preach to me... If you doubt that what I say is true, only look at the questions asked by Medieval Theologians and Philosophers... The questions they asked were prompted by their understanding of reality that brought forth answers in accord with their understanding of the facts... It was only with people like Occam who were willing to exclude the unlikely in favor of the likely that progress was made...
Those who say there are no stupid questions are wrong... I will bet that most of our questions are stupid only because no good philosophy has examined the prejudices and faulty thought behind them... It does not matter whether science or theology can give a reasonable explanation of the working of penicillon... Whether penecillin works or does not work is not nearly so much the problem as our willingness to seize upon pat answers to huge problems... We have not used penicillin to cure disease, but to live with it...
We have chosen to have people live next to filth and in filth, stressed, malnourished, over worked and injured because those with it could cure the diseases that regularly killed the poor who we would not live without suffering the poverty we would not ourselves bear... This is a choice made out of our ideologies so that in the end our wonder drugs becomes no defense at all because we have used it to treat the symptoms of our immorality rather than buying with it time to cure our immorality...
Behind all disease in immorality of one sort or another; what you may call vice...Why bother asking why penicillin works or does not when another question lies right beyond, and when the problems that plague us are within us, are moral in nature and resistent to definition??? We have the answer, but dare not ask the question because the knowing of it demands too much of each of us... Knowledge is virtue because the knowledgable must act responsibly...