Paul Kime
P.B. Kime is a self taught artist, born with a talent that developed through his experiences in life and the ability to see and retain what he needed to keep for paintings and future work. A lot of his work is what he calls, "way back", or history paintings, events and life of the yesteryears. Also, old buildings, some with a story that grabs his talent and says, "paint me!" Some are just a bit of history that can be used in another story. Most of his paintings are based on and deliver a story of what happened, or how life was then. This he feels makes a piece of work for the owner to show and admire in their home of office.
Mr. Kime worked with and studied the procedures of other artists. Some of these were Dalhart Winberg, a well known artist of realism in woods, water and country scenes, Porfurio Salanis, known especially for his hill country bluebonnet paintings, also Harold Gore, who inspired "people effect" in his work. Most of this association work was done on location and in the field and is thought of by most as the best teacher available.
Kime taught for many years on location (outdoor camp outs) and indoor five day work-shop. With his recently acquired ranch, Paul feels he has finally fulfilled a dream of a place of his own, where settings for paintings are abundant and many others are close by. The ranch is a beautiful old Hill Country setting.
The Artist and his wife, Trish, live their with their animals, cats, dogs, deer, turkey and other birds of Texas. They have been renovating and adding on to an old house on the ranch for six years mostly in Southwestern style. This has given Paul a chance to utilize his talent to create the type of home they wanted.
Reply submitted by Ron Kop //
[email protected]