Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 10:00 pm
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 11:05 pm
I'm impressed as hell.

You're one determined J.

You go, girl.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2011 06:11 am
Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Margo, no jelly beans on hand but I did treat myself to dessert at Sunday's gathering. A small piece of honey soaked baklava with a tiny scoop of vanilla ice cream. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I also allowed myself a couple other cheats - an ear of sweet corn and a small serving of potato salad. It was a holiday bbq and indulging with friends is what holidays is all about, yes? I brought a large Greek salad with my own vinaigrette to share and a homemade tzatziki made with FF yogurt, lemon juice, chopped cucumber, dill, and s&p which I used as a dip with vegetables instead of all the fatty, creamy dips and chips that were on the table. I told Mr B that I'd be the designated driver so he could party-hearty if he chose. I brought a large bottle of mineral water with me and sipped on that with a wedge of lemon in a wine goblet. It was all good. Yesterday's semi-planned gathering didn't happen so I was able to get back on track with the plan.

CJ - it was a protein/water cleanse. I'll go into the details another time but it's based on the pure protein fasts that nutrition centers use when they put folks on liquid protein diets at the beginning of a nutritional rejuvenation. It's solid (lean) proteins in this case (all you can eat) coupled with copious amounts of water so that the kidneys don't get bogged down with the excess protein. The idea is to flush fat/water/toxins, particularly water stored as cellulite, which is why my thighs were shrinking before my very eyes. It's perfect for me because I'm a big protein eater anyway. I'll journal about how this all came about (my choosing this plan over others) tomorrow when I get back to my regular routine.

You said it, (((boida)))! I am, indeed, determined. The weather has turned more fall-like and I'm enjoying being outside every day on my walk. Mr B is still burning the fallen trees and the weather is ideal for an evening fire in the fire pit in the back yard. Finding reasons to be outside rather than in my chair is a complete turnaround from where I've been the past couple years. It's amazing to see in retrospect what a fog I was in. With all the rain we had this summer the leaves are just now starting to turn. I'll be able to watch the progression of the changing season in the woods as I take my daily walk. The cottonwood leaves are falling already but everything else is still green with a slight tinge towards yellow in some of the maples.

First things first, though. M returns to college today and we've a long day ahead of us. I'm going to do my 8MM and head out for my walk soon and then we'll be packing up the car and hitting the road. I'll eat a good breakfast here and then look for a salad for lunch somewhere along the way. I'm also packing a veggie bag and some cubed turkey in the cooler for snacking. I've got leftover soup sitting in the fridge to reheat when we get home tonight. I've planned it out as best I can (who, me?) and now I just have to stay out of the chip bag. We've done this trip a number of times now and we have a couple places we stop along the way. There's a Subway at both places where I can get a salad so I should be fine.

GYM DAY TODAY, Soz! Don't forget!!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2011 06:17 am
Before I go....

A facebook friend posted this yesterday. I am soooooo not showing this to Mr B, but I'll put it here.

Last night, one of my best friends and I were sitting in my living room and
I said to her, I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some
machine and fluids from a bottle. If that ever happens, just pull the plug.
She got up, unplugged the computer, and threw out my wine.
She's such a bitch
0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2011 08:31 am
Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap...

One of the problems with being a master planner is that one creates a master plan based on the wants/desires of others and then gets to twittle her thumbs while those same others dick around as if they weren't the ones who said we needed to be on the road by 8:00am!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2011 10:39 am
CJ - it was a protein/water cleanse. I'll go into the details another time but it's based on the pure protein fasts that nutrition centers use when they put folks on liquid protein diets at the beginning of a nutritional rejuvenation. It's solid (lean) proteins in this case (all you can eat) coupled with copious amounts of water so that the kidneys don't get bogged down with the excess protein. The idea is to flush fat/water/toxins, particularly water stored as cellulite, which is why my thighs were shrinking before my very eyes. It's perfect for me because I'm a big protein eater anyway. I'll journal about how this all came about (my choosing this plan over others) tomorrow when I get back to my regular routine.

Oh, thank you, JPB, I am really curious to learn more about it.
In the meantime, that's how I feel today...*sigh*

Reply Tue 6 Sep, 2011 11:54 am
Well it was dumb of me to schedule this for the first day after a three-day weekend. Sad Way too much going on, have been rushing around putting out fires. I did get a lot of walking done in one section though, and did enough biking yesterday that my butt is sore today. So I won't be too hard on myself.

Still a ton to do today and there will be spillover tomorrow, so I'm going to commit to doing this on Thursday again. Then NEXT week I'm going for Tuesday and Thursday. 10 AM.
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2011 08:45 am
Ok, Thursday it is!

My day yesterday was as long and as tiring as I thought it would be. We got a late start <grrrrrrrrrr....> and arrived on campus around 2:00. We stopped a couple times on the way for a quick pit stop and stretch. Mr B and I were on our way back just before 4:00 and got home around 7:30. Thank goodness I had that pot of soup sitting in the fridge ready to reheat. The temps have dropped dramatically here and a nice bowl of homemade soup was perfect for a late night supper.

I was stiff from sitting/driving/sitting/driving so I used the cycler for about 30 mins. I'd thought about doing the yoga dvd but it was late, I was tired, and doing some mindless peddling was just the ticket.

It's going to seem quiet around here for a while now that M is gone. She was coming and going like a whirlwind all summer.

The good news is that I managed to get through 2 events (third one was canceled) that could have derailed me but I weighed in this morning at exactly the same weight as Sunday's official weigh-in. That gives me the rest of the week to make some progress rather than a recovery. YAY!

CJ -- I'll go into the food plan more tomorrow. I've got a bunch of work I need to catch up on today.
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2011 08:55 am
Laughing Laughing

I love it!!!

I highly recommend one of these!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 7 Sep, 2011 09:22 am
Take your time, JPB, there is no hurry.
That's great that you kept your weight during that three day holiday, feels good, doesn't it?

We've had unusual tropical weather here since yesterday - about 98 F on the coast Shocked and extremely humid, probably a side effect of tropical storm Lee, but I did get into the gym at 7:00 am after dropping off Jane at school, and I am glad I did as I was comatose like a vegetable during the day. I can't take that heat and humidity, we're not used to such severe weather conditions out here.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2011 09:05 am
Food plans. There are tons of them and they are mostly all effective in dropping a few pounds. Some of them are effective in dropping a lot of pounds. Fewer of them are effective for keeping the lost pounds off. In most cases it comes down to motivation and lifestyle changes. We can all get motivated to deprive ourselves of our normal habits for the short term, but if our normal habits are driven by something deeper than desire then the underlying issue must also be dealt with or the weight will come back on. Sometimes quickly, sometimes over a longer time frame.

To lose significant weight and keep it off for the long term then lifestyle choices come into play. Like most women (everyone?), my body through me for a loop when I turned 40. My children had started school, I was chasing them around less, I was spending more time in my chair, and my hormones were starting to flip. I chose to walk. Every day. I got up at 6:00, strapped on my sneakers, hit the path and got home by 7:15. I'd then wake up the rest of the family and we'd begin our day. I didn't knowingly make any changes to my diet but I still managed to lose 3 lbs/month each month for a year. Problem solved. At 41 or 42 years old I was back at my high school weight for the first time since high school.

But, no. That was a solution for me at 40 with time on my hands and energy to give, but it didn't last when I took on the "project from hell" that had me working 20/7 and worrying that I was forgetting something the other 4 hours/day. That went on for two years and my eating/exercise habits were non-existent. I had no "habit" to speak of. I put back on about 18 of the lbs that I'd previously lost. I went to a doctor about a different issue and she asked me how long I'd had high blood pressure. Huh? Never. She told me to lose 10 lbs and see if that fixed it. It did.

That's when I started 8MM and the food plan that went with it. The exercise component is pure genius and I still use it. The food plan was effective but not something I could do life long. As in many plans it paid lip service to maintenance once I'd reached my goal, saying something along the lines of "keep up the good work". pfffft. While doing 8MM I connected with a couple other Chicago-based ladies who were also doing it. We still keep in touch (ASM, a lurking member here and rare poster, was who I met last week at the Arboretum) and H, a former Chicagolander who now lives in the DC area.

Last spring H sent us an email asking if we'd heard about a new plan (no). She'd seen a couple ladies walking in her neighborhood who looked fantastic, told her they'd never felt better and that she had to read the book and give it a try. H knows that I read diet and nutrition books like most people read novels so she asked me to check it out and, if willing, to do it with her. I researched it, bought the book, read it and said, "No FRUIT?!?!?!? All summer?!?!?!?! I don't think so...." and went back to my wallowing.

About 3 weeks ago I was getting to the end of my wallowing depths and decided that I'd need a food plan to kick start my recovery. I knew that I could do 8MM's plan successfully, but I also knew that I'd regained those lost pounds. "Keep on keeping on" at the end simply didn't cut it. I remembered H's plan suggestion and her request to do it with her. I reread the book, decided I could try anything for 5 days to see how it went, and bought up a bunch of FF yogurt, fish, shrimp, surimi, lean chicken/beef/pork, sent H and ASM an email, and dove in.

What I'd been turned off by in May (no fruit during Phases I and II) turned out to be no big deal in Phase I and something I need small amounts of anyway to stabilize my blood sugar in Phase II. The beauty of this plan though, for me, isn't that I'm losing weight by eating lean protein and non-starchy vegetables - it's the way it's laid out.

Phase I - lean protein only, # of days determined by answering a questionnaire online (2-7 in most cases, mine was 5), 1.5T oat bran daily (hey! That's the very stuff I want to take forever instead of a statin), 1.5 qts clear liquids, 1 multi-vitamin daily, 20 min walk daily.

Phase II - alternating days of protein only/protein-vegetables, increase oat bran to 2T and increase walk to 30 mins daily, continue water and vitamin. Continue until you reach your target weight (not your high school cheerleader weight but a reasonable weight determined on a number of factors as part of the questionnaire. Mine is 173 (bmi=23.5 on a standard bmi calculation) and is right in line with my adult weight for most of my mid-20s through my 30s. That's 23 lbs from where I was on the day I started and 30 lbs from my lifetime high last winter. It should take me 5-6 weeks total to get there. It also allows for the flexibility of switching p/pv days around based on life interests. I met up with a friend yesterday for lunch on a protein only day. I didn't see anything I wanted so I instantly turned it into a pv day and will do 2 p only days today and tomorrow. You can switch things around so long as the number of p/pv days are in balance over a 20-day period. 1/1 is the recommended split, but 5/5 is where he started with his early patients.

Then the beautiful part of this plan kicks in.

Phase III
Slowly reintroduce starchy vegetables, legumes, grains, fruits and fats. It's done on a schedule (one servicing of rice/potatoes/pasta per week to begin with, increasing to two servings about half way through this phase; two slices of bread and one serving of fruit daily; etc.), 2 days of protein only per week (down from 3 or 4 in Phase II), increase the oat bran to 3T/day daily, cut back the walk to 25mins, if desired. Also, one celebration meal per week of whatever you feel like eating with a single restriction - no second servings of something you've already eaten. Have a glass of wine (not 2), a dessert (not 2), an order of greasy fries (not 2) --- whatever it is that floats your boat in a single meal. This is the beginning of a maintenance mode that's designed to allow you to get back into casual eating without plunging back into the abyss with the mandate of "keep up the good work". It lasts for five days per pound lost.

Now, the author states that only 50% of the people who reach their target weight will go on to do Phases III and IV. I can see that happening, but with the focus on protein, I can see myself as one of the successful half. He also says that 85% of those who complete Phase III will successfully maintain their target weight for life via Phase IV. I can see that too. It's brilliant. Just like the exercise component of 8MM was brilliant, the genius of this plan is AFTER you've successfully reached your target.

Phase IV
unrestricted diet 6 days/week
3T oat bran daily
1.5 qts clear liquids daily
25 min walk daily
1 multivitamin daily
pick a day (same day every week) for a protein only day.

The protein only days act as a flush/detox day every week. He recommends Thursday because it leads into a weekend. I've picked Tuesday because it follows all of our Monday holidays in the US and doesn't conflict with Thanksgiving every year.

So, that's the description and how/why I chose it. What I didn't know is that it's become the latest fad diet in Europe, particularly the UK, since it's rumored that Kate Middleton and her mother both lost significant weight on it prior to the royal wedding.

I was somewhat saddened when I saw thousands of young people going onto the website wanting to look like Kate and get a 15" waist, or whatever ridiculous size her waist is. Fad diets don't work. Good plans that become fads tend to change their focus. South Beach was a great diet for cardiac patients until it became a fad and the next thing you saw was salt-laden processed foods with the SB logo all over them. The thousands of kids who are looking for a quick loss without thinking about what it is they're trying to accomplish will end up changing the current 50% of successful people who don't continue on into a much higher number. With that disclaimer aside, Here's the book/plan, a fairly thorough review, and Let the hype begin.

In today's news, I reached the half-way point in my 23 lb goal - 11.5/11.5 and one lb from a normal bmi. I've got a chiro appt this morning, after which I should be able to reduce my appointments done to once per month. My back is liking the combination of walking/8MM/cycling/soaking/yoga. H went shopping yesterday and is planning on starting Phase I today or tomorrow.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2011 09:21 am
Oh, yeah... one more bit of today's news. Today I reached the same weight that I reached last Sept 1st, the day I broke my leg. I'm treading very carefully today.
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2011 10:45 am
Yay JPB!

Good going.

The diet plan stuff is interesting...

I'm sure you've said and I missed it, but what is 8MM? (I always read it as 8 millimeters.)

(I worked out today, it wasn't my longest or best workout but I did it.)
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2011 11:00 am
Yay soz, too! Longest and best can come another day. Getting it done and feeling good about it for doing it and for what it accomplishes are what's important.

8MM is short for 8 Minutes in the Morning. It takes two opposing muscle groups each day and works them in sequence. Here's the weekly list:

8MM (4 sets alternating of 12 reps each)
Monday - chest/back
Tuesday - shoulders/abs
Wednesday - biceps/triceps (on Thursday)
Thursday - hamstrings/quads
Friday - calves/butt
Saturday - inner/outer thighs
Sunday - planned rest day

Each set takes about 1 minute and the 4 sets each of 2 muscle groups takes 8 minutes total. Folks who want to really turn it into a daily strength training routine can double up M-Th/Tu-Fr/W-S and do 16 minutes/day and still allow two days of rest between any muscle group being revisited.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2011 12:10 pm
That diet plan does sound interesting, thank you for explaining it so well,
JPB. I am always lacking enough protein, and I should check that out. I have to go to the bookstore for Jane's books today anyway, I think I will pick up the diet book.

That 8 MM sounds good too, it's done quickly in between whenever one
has time. Got my workout in early in the morning, as it is so darn hot here, I feel more comatose than anything else....

I see, sozobe made it to the gym as well - good day for all! Smile
Reply Thu 8 Sep, 2011 03:58 pm
Good job on beating the heat, CJ. Let me know what you think of the book when you've read it.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2011 08:20 am
Didn't get anywhere yesterday, we had a massive power outage in southern Cal. from yesterday afternoon until sometime this morning. Luckily, we're
back in business and the bookstore is on my list today. All schools are closed today anyway due to the power outage.
Reply Fri 9 Sep, 2011 08:53 am
Uh oh! That's not good. I'm glad things are back up and running.

My news of the day is that I'm NORMAL!!! On a bmi scale, at least. Mr. Green

13 down, 10 to go.
Reply Sat 10 Sep, 2011 07:28 am
JPB wrote:
. . . My news of the day is that I'm NORMAL!!! On a bmi scale, at least. Mr. Green . . .

Take your normality where you can get it is what I say.

(I'm a bit north of normal these days.)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Sep, 2011 08:08 am
Darn tootin', George!

Today completes the end of week 3. This week I did

8MM (4 sets alternating of 12 reps each)
Monday - chest/back
Tuesday - shoulders/abs
Wednesday - biceps/triceps
Thursday - hamstrings/quads
Friday - calves/butt
Saturday - inner/outer thighs
Sunday - planned rest day

Walk - 30mins (1.6 miles) daily

Yoga for people who can't do yoga - not this week - had a chiro appt instead.

Therapy pool on Friday.

I followed the food plan but allowed myself a few cheats at a holiday bbq gathering last Sunday. Mr B and I went out for dinner last night. I had a large dinner salad with grilled chicken. I could only eat half of it. I'm getting much better at eating for nourishment and for hunger rather than because it's in front of me. I have a new found love for FF Greek style plain yogurt with vanilla or lemon or lime juice with stevia. Sometimes I mix in the oat bran, sometimes I mash in a few blueberries or raspberries. It hits all the creamy/smooth/sweet satisfaction gaps. Now if I could just find an alternative to chips! No, not really. I've never had a problem with craving what wasn't in the cupboard. If I keep it out of the house then I'm fine. If it's available then it calls my name, "J...., chips are here; come get some chips; you know you want to..." If Mr B wants some he can order it out or go to the store and get a small bag for himself. I've loads of crackers in the pantry - so far they haven't been calling my name.

LOST 2.5 LBS! for a total three week loss of 13.5 lbs (9.5 to go) and got down into a normal bmi range.

I'm tracking my blood pressure at different times throughout the day. Early morning is lowest (around 110/70 - today was 106/64), afternoon gets up around 123/78 (nothing that's going to trigger a stroke). I've been off bp meds for 3 months now and doing well there.

I've less than 50 pgs left in Jane Eyre. I seldom read fiction, but I do like a good classic. I reread fiction even less often but I'm enjoying this as much as I enjoyed it the first time. I'm looking forward to my first class on Wednesday.

I'm peddling on the cycler every morning and most evenings for 30mins each. Great purchase -- thanks, CJ, for the find.

I'm feeling great and I'm highly motivated to see this through to my goal.

Made my appt with the neurologist. Oct 21st. That's 7 weeks out, but just after a trip out of town. It's probably just as well that I have a reason to keep myself from going crazy with food and drink. I'll be meeting up with a large group of friends who, ah...., eat and drink, so it will be a challenge for sure.

Checking out a new (to me) church today. Friend just called and bailed on me, but I'm going anyway. Today's service will probably be dedicated to 9/11, but I'll see what they're all about.

Week 4 goal: I'm actually at the "keep on keeping on" stage. I'm doing it and it's working. I'm within 3 lbs of dropping down into the next decade (170s). Not going to push myself to lose 3 lbs, but getting closer to that by next Sunday is my goal for week 4.
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