JPB wrote:
I've noticed that my "language issues" are much more prevalent at night when I'm tired. Not that I don't make mistakes throughout the day, but the wide array of eye-popping blunders at nighttime is amazing.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhh... welcome to my world girlie

<passes Tesco credit card across the poind, let's see what you can order! I have 5 lemons in the fridge

and boxes of dishwasher tablets to last me a lifetime. It must have been as I was getting to the end of the order and Finish, Finish, Finish, Finish...rinse and repeat >
chuckling aside (as you'll be one of the few who understands what I'm chuckling aboot)... Ima following along closely - will be interested to hear how you do with the cycling thingymajig - I wish to start cycling <searches map for non hilly routes> but ya know... the 'ole knees...
more importantly
just wanted to say... over the years you've given so much support and advice to so many people JPB - I'm so glad you've chosen to talk in your own time here and that you have so much heartfelt support - I know it would have been difficult for you to 'talk out loud'. Love you so much - you are amazing.