This and that...
Latest phrase (when mad): "Chicken pox!"
She and E.G. were talking and he called me "She who must be obeyed." She thought that was a fabulous nickname, and said that she will tell her husband to call her that when she gets married.
I asked E.G., in front of her, whether he thought an arbor we have would be strong enough to hold a porch swing. He said no, and explained why. She then piped up with a very thorough plan for shoring up the arbor -- 2 X 4's, nailed to this, supported by that, it made a lot of sense.
There's this new maturity/ responsibility that I'm loving. I went a bit overboard in the garden and wrenched some muscles on my side, and was complaining about it as I was trying to get comfortable to read her books at night. The next morning, first thing when she woke up she said, "How is your side?", and patted it in this sweet way. Then later that day, we were gathering stuff to go to school, I was in a bit of a rush, I had a vague idea that we were forgetting something, she said, "Oh, my library books!" and went and got them and put them in her bag. (They were due at school that day.) It's such a great feeling to have HELP with this stuff!
We have a bunch of wood left over from the tree trimmers and we can use some of it but don't have room to store all of it. She knows that we're a bit pressed for cash and suggested that we sell it as firewood. Again very detailed... "OK, the first thing we should do is go to a store and see how much they charge for firewood. Then we should sell our firewood for a little bit less than that... we want people to buy it from us instead, but we also want to make as much money as we can, of course."
She's been drawing up a storm, this is the only one I have scanned, will try to scan more later. This is all her, including "Boyardee" --> "Girlardee." (The green trees/ yellow sun with sunglasses boring stuff phase didn't last long, thankfully. She's back to weird stuff + drawing from life.)