I felt like I've described myself and my early shyness many times here at a2k and didn't want to write it all out again, so I searched (see the little search letters at the top of the page, in the dark blue banner?) for the words "I was very shy" and found something like ten pages of threads on the subject. Sometimes a search also leads to unrelated threads, but still, it turned out to be useful. After checking a few of them, I found this post by me, in 2004 - and I agree with what I said there. It was a response to someone who described him or herself as lost and shy.
I guess I'll add that others who are shy may have different feelings about it than I did - so my response is just my take on things.
click on this link:
On friends, I was an only child. I had some friends in elementary school, starting in fourth grade, and lost some of my extreme shyness then. But my family moved a lot, and when we moved at the time I went to high school, I didn't know anyone at all, and went back to being more quiet than ever. So that was the situation I described in the link above.