He’s going to have two daddies

Sat 14 Jan, 2012 09:49 pm
How's your other "child" doing with all the memories and emotions her visit is stirring up? I see he's keeping busy with the candy making.

Sun 15 Jan, 2012 07:03 am
He’s doing well. I think she would like him back in Ca but he won’t budge. He lived there his whole life but said he wouldn’t ever live there again. He’s a Florida boy now.
0 Replies
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 11:00 am
The food there is pretty good! Cuban food. One of Morgan's friends is a waiter so we always ask for him to be our server.
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 11:33 am
One of the specialties which I want to experience is a Cuban Sandwich. It's not badly priced at $ 9.

"The Cuban Sandwich is a Tampa treasure. The “Mixto,” as it was known in the
beginning, was created in the late 1890’s for the cigar worker s as they walked
to and from work. The sandwiches underwent changes as immigrants from
different countries came to Ybor City. The city of Tampa was like the sandwich,
a mixture of cultures and food. The Spanish brought the fine ham, the Sicilians
the Genoa salami, the Cubans the Mojo marinated Roast Por k, the Germans
and Jews the Swiss Cheese, pickle and mustard. Put it all together in between
sliced, freshly baked Tampa Cuban bread from La Segunda Central Baker y and
life is great. Today we are using the original 1915 recipe of Casimiro
Hernandez Sr., using the same propor tions of meat with each ingredient
layered on top of one another, with the Cuban bread brushed with butter on
top, pressed to a crispy finish."

Off tangent comment:

I guess they've got a few restaurants throughout FL. My earlier info about Columbia is that the original restaurant (opened in 1905) is in Ybor City and was 'the best of them'. Then again I read that the one in St. Augustine is also very authentic, especially considering the roots of St. Augstine was the first Spanish (or any kind of) settlement of FL. I wish I had unlimited funds so I could explore.

Being newbie to the area, I'm intrigued by their style and Spanish food. I've had a reasonable exposure to Spanish food as Cambridge-Boston have a few decent examples but of course nothing like So. Ca or the Southwest.

I was a bit confused about which culinary or cultural cuisine Columbia espouses to be. Their site claims it's Spain and they feature flamenco dancing. I understand that they serve quite a few Cuban dishes.

Re Columbia in St. Pete:

"Centrally located in downtown St. Petersburg, the Columbia Restaurant offers breathtaking waterfront views, along with a rustic yet sumptuous menu of Spanish favorites like paella and boliche. From the luxurious fourth-floor dining room on the Pier, patrons of the Columbia Restaurant in St. Petersburg enjoy incredibly panoramas passing sailboats and dolphins. "

My dearest friend is coming to visit here on Tues for 4 days and I'd really like to take her to one of the Columbias. I'm thinking hard on this.
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 12:18 pm
I love Cuban food, but then again I'm Puerto Rican Wink

Morgan and Janice are going through boxes of jewlry that belonged to his mother, from what I have heard, and I'm staying out of this, she's not happy he's had those items boxed up for ten years!
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 12:28 pm
Thias too shall pass. I wish him good energy and he has my symapthy.

Jewelry generally polishes up well and can often times be easily restored should minor stuff happen. I used to help my ex-wife untangle her necklace chains.
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Sun 15 Jan, 2012 01:36 pm
Poor Morgan, give him a hug for me!
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Sun 15 Jan, 2012 01:38 pm
Sounds like she is going to be a big help in giving himself permission to move forward while still honoring the memories.
0 Replies
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 01:43 pm
Morgan and Janice are going through boxes of jewlry that belonged to his mother, from what I have heard, and I'm staying out of this, she's not happy he's had those items boxed up for ten years!

No you are not. JCBOY might or might not be fine with your global announcements about his life, but you are most certainly not "staying out of" this......
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 03:17 pm
He's Morgan's partner. If Morgan wasn't fine with it believe me he would say something. Marco loves him to death!
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 04:00 pm
EqualityFLSTPete wrote:

He's Morgan's partner. If Morgan wasn't fine with it believe me he would say something. Marco loves him to death!

I am aware, as I am aware that is is lying to us when he says that he is staying out of it.
0 Replies
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 04:06 pm
don't mind the hawkturd.

he's just trying to add to the zen of the thread in his own stinky way...

Rolling Eyes
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 04:13 pm
Rockhead wrote:

don't mind the hawkturd.

he's just trying to add to the zen of the thread in his own stinky way...

Rolling Eyes

I made a factually correct statement...JCBOY is known in the St Pete scene by real name, anything BF says about him here is thus known to his friends and running mates. It is bad form to send out this information without the approval of the one being so exposed, but that is between them. Lying to us and saying that he is staying out of JCBOY's affairs is a matter for us.
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 04:14 pm
you're a buffoon....

who elected you to speak for "us"?

I want a recount...
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 05:35 pm
Now I know why they call him Hawk-Ass.
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 05:37 pm
he's not a very nice boy...
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 06:28 pm
he's not a very nice boy...

Nor a very bright one.

Hawkeye seems to have misinterpreted what Marco said. Marco said he was staying out of a discussion that was going on between jcboy and his mother's friend.
But this is what Hawkeye heard....
Lying to us and saying that he is staying out of JCBOY's affairs is a matter for us.

So, first he distorts what Marco said, then he decides it's his business--"a matter for us".

Being grandiose, in addition to everything else, Hawkeye refers to himself in the collective "us". Laughing

Neither nice, nor able to understand what was said, but he just has to butt in anyway in order to toss a gratuitous insult at Marco. Guess he can't pass up a chance to be nasty, even when it's totally uncalled for.

Sun 15 Jan, 2012 06:30 pm
let's don't make this thread about him, please.

we have enough of those already...


too many even...
Sun 15 Jan, 2012 08:09 pm
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Mon 16 Jan, 2012 07:05 am
I have the day off and no school for Antonio, going to spend it with aunt Janice and more boxes to unpack. Boo!

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