Oh my two and half men...
You have both handled this so well and done yourselves proud looking after Justin.
I know you are Stateside, but I am imagining your school will work similarly to mine here in the UK. Yes, do let the school know what has happened. If it were here, we do an immediate referral (as in, that day) to Social Services and our educational child protection services. A welfare meeting is then set up. I do feel it would be better for you guys to
get the school to make the calls and your requirement should be to make written statements as to what has happened over the weekend - this should then happen much quicker than an outside referral or a call from 'another parent' which are less likely to be acted upon quickly. It is so important the school does this - for Justin's sake and... for yours.
Once it's in the school's hands, they SHOULD then be responsible for following this up (which at school will be done on a daily basis as each child is registered morning and afternoon) and ensuring that his welfare needs are being met. (I'm pretty sure your system cannot be too different to ours in the UK). The school should also have access to agencies who can come into the school and talk to Justin in a
safe environment where it won't feel like he's being questioned. People talking to him at school and during the school day is not the same as folk turning up on their doorstep and asking questions. In school, through school, it will feel better for Justin. The mother will be paid a visit in the home environment.
I do NOT feel that you guys ought to offer to take Justin on a weekly/regular basis as I think you will be drawn into 'the nightmare that it can be' and this could complicate your lives a great deal, it could also be upsetting for Antonio should J's mother turn up at school if she is aware that you yourselves have apporached your CPS. Your anonymity should be preserved as best as possible right now - for your sakes as... well, as you saw before at the party Antonio went to where they asked Morgan not to attend - small minds, small people, harsh attitudes. Some people will use anything, just to have a go at y'all.
Certainly tho, talk to the teachers, preferably ask to speak to the
Headteacher and Child Protection Officer (each school has a CPO within the school), in a formal capacity about your concerns - this SHOULD get the school to do the follow up. It is then their responsibility to make it happen. Ask to see their Child Protection Policy and ask them whether they will be contacting your equivalent to Social Services - let them know this is as serious as it gets for you and this is not just an idle complaint about the weekend.
You guys are just great. You have so much love between you and I reckon you've handled this brilliantly - many folk would walk away from this, I'm so glad you are doing something about it. You should be very proud.
At the end of the day, none of us know what the mother is/was doing or what influences she is under - and
she may need help too - that's where the agencies can kick in to make that happen - tho I know the wheels can be slower there. It's not an excuse for doing what's she's done - however, she is still Justin's mother and children aren't often just immediately removed from the parent's care unless (usually) there is some physical harm to the child. A kid being filthy dirty etc is not 'classed as abuse' - but leaving a child for a weekend is negligent. Twice, well, something has to be done and pronto in case she were to leave him with the wrong folk, or just leave him. Social Services may already be aware of the situation - if it's happened before or other reports, then they may well act on it on this occasion.
That's why I think you guys ought to get the school (which is official) to put the call in. Ask them when you pick Antonio up what they have done.
Let us know how you go and what response you get from the school. Will be thinking of you 'cause I know that this is a hard thing (even tho it's easy to do, the repurcussions can be hard) to do.
That little boy must be the priority.
Your level of maturity, Morgan and Marco, is outstanding. (not meant in a patronising way). You should be very proud of who you both are - I sure am proud to know our A2K2.5men.
andddddddddddddddddddd...Happy Halloween!!!!