Tue 13 Jan, 2004 02:10 pm
I need to know how, in Paintshop Pro or in any other comparable or BETTER program, I can create a glowing effect (just the tool necessary is okay) that is similar to that in my Onyx-L avatar. I did that in PSP, but it took too much effort (which I'm of course willing to expend) but something is telling me that of all the "glowy effects" around words and/or orther vector type graphics I've seen, there HAS to be an easier way, a tool in some program that allows this to be done.
i'm just topping my topic.....
Hmm, I don't know graphics very well. Your best bet is to wait for Monger to get online, he's in Japan so that'll be at nights.
Another member who is really good with graphics is squeedleboink, but he hasn't been online for ages.
eoe has said she (he?) does graphics too...
Use the glow effect in photoshop or illustator. Should only take a couple of seconds.
in photoshop you have what you want to glow in a separate layer becase all layer content will glow, then you go to layer effects or something like that where you can choose to bevel and then you add your glow.
Ony, I can write step by step instuctions for a really easy & flexible way to do it in Adobe Photoshop if you'd like (it's a better program that Paint Shop Pro). If you'd rather stick to PSP lemme know and I'll try to install it & write up some instructions after I look at it a bit.
sorry, my instructions weren't that great or good, but it's pretty easy.
Monger, for now, I'd like to just stick to psp. I really do like it, but I just can't figger this out. I went to, but their tutorial only goes up to v. 7 and when I work it the way and with the things they tell me to, it works...but when I try to change a color or something, it gets all ugly and muddlefied....know what I'm sayin?
Okay....I was messing around, and I've found a way to something of what I'm asking about. here it is:
what do you think? I'm sure that with some honing, the glowishness will be even more pronounced, but this is a reasonable facsimile of what I was trying to get at...
You're using version 8, right? Can you give me a brief description of the method you've used for glowing text so far? I'll install the evaluation version and check it out when I get home tonight.
Yes, v. 8
1. open new graphic w/ transparent bkgd.
2. create text in 'glow' color, then use CHISEL effect [EFFECT, CHISEL] setting radius at 10, and a 'transparent' chisel effect.
3. Apply Gaussian Blur (ADJUST, BLUR, GAUSSIAN]
4. create another text, exactly same font/size as the first and lay it directly on top of the blurred text.
5. At this point, I'll usually 'soften' that text [ADJUST/SOFTEN/SOFTEN].
6. I then select the background layer, try various 'darker' colors to fill it with, and i've got my glow effect.
The problem is that the glow effect takes on the life of te background color, so, if I'm doing a flyer, the total background color might be something too light to effect the glow, or a multi color bkgd.
I wonder if there's a way that I can effect a glow that will be the same glow no matter what the background is.
Thanks for posting those steps, cuz it helped me get familiarized with the program quickly. I've only been using PSP for a total of about 30 minutes now, so I'm sure my steps below can be improved a bit, but try this out & let me know what needs to change with the effect...
1. open a new image. create a text layer in the color you want the text on top of the glow to be.
2. Don't deselect anything yet, click Selections->From Vector Object to get a selection of just the text's outline
3. Selections->Modify->Expand and set it to 10 pixels or so
4. Selections->Modify->Feather and set it to 10 or so (as you prolly know, "feather" is graphics speak for the graduated area along the edge of a selection, which gives it a soft edge.)
5. Still don't deselect yet. Click Layers->New Raster Layer
6. Get the Flood Fill tool, pick the color you want the glow to be, then click within your selection. Now you've got your background glow
7. Drag your original text layer above the glow layer in the Layer palette (at the bottom right of the screen)
8. Selections->Select None, then click Adjust->Softness->Soften
9. Select your 'glow' layer in the Layer palette, then click Layers->Properties, and see if there's a Blend Mode that improves the glow further for whatever your image's background color is.
Lemme know if anything there wasn't clear.
By ze way, this can be done (with much more control) in about 3 steps using Photoshop.
Monger - I'm going to get a ticket and come give you a great big hug (if you don't mind me invading your personal space that is).
I did it I did it I did it. Wow.....look here now:
Your directions were excellent !!!!
I'm downloading the tryout for photoshop btw...
Hey now I have a question??
don't these file have to be gifs to so something vs jpg?
they need to be gif files to have transparent backgrounds, or to be annimated.....from my limited knowledge...
onyxelle wrote:Monger - I'm going to get a ticket and come give you a great big hug (if you don't mind me invading your personal space that is).
Glad to help.
If you wanna make it more of a natural glow you could try changing steps 3 & 4 to something like this...
3. Selections>Modify>Expand and set it to 5 pixels or so
4. Selections>Modify>Feather and set it to 20 or so
husker wrote:Hey now I have a question??
don't these file have to be gifs to so something vs jpg?
In addition to what Ony wrote, there are quality and filesize issues when choosing between the 2 formats.
Gif is typically better for clipart-type images, while Jpg is typically better for photo-realistic images. There are exceptions though.
This site's got some information about that, along with pics to compare:
GIF vs. JPG--Which Is Best?
Monger, I've dl'ed photoshop 7 (my machine is JUST archaic enough to not accept the CS version). As you said, that glowing is terriffic in photoshop - and, as you say, much more control over it....I love it. Thanks again. When should I get my passport? tee hee hee
No need, you can fudge one together in Photoshop.
I'm using version 7 meself, but CS does look pretty cool.