Tue 26 Jul, 2011 06:12 am
This is an unusually interesting story:
This is interesting because of the number of superior ideas and innovations which American industry has always viewed as "disruptive technology" and which we as consumers never get to see. For such ideas to have any real shot, it appears necessary that some significant foreign player has to adopt one of them and force us to compete with it, and that in fact now appears to be happening with one of the two super new IC engines which I've been reading about for the last few years.
Aside from the obvious problem of patent infringement which I'd assume will get straightened out, this is gigantic leverage for Morgado and AngelLabs who can now to go Detroit and/or Toyota/Nissan/Honda and ask if they're interested in preventing Russia from totally taking over the automotive industry.
Again, put the properly sized version of Morgado's engine in a Honda Accord, and it would get between 50 and 100 mph and it would be mostly empty space under the hood.
The Russian ad on Youtube:
Yo-mobile (ё мобиль) site:
This one could end up with Russia dominating the automotive industry for the next 50 years. It's the first really big innovation in decades.