@Frank Apisa,
Quote:C'mon. Everyone knows Buddhism is the best.
i agree, its very similar if not equivalent to non duality
Quote:Or is it Christianity?
no, its not. lol
Quote:Oh, wait a sec...maybe it is atheism.
probably better than christianity.
Quote:Anyone can make a self-serving assertion that their pet is the best, CM.
true. just like all the members of the 100m athletics final can make a self serving assertion that they are going to win. but only usain bolt will. similarly, out of all the philosophies you mentioned, some will self servingly assert that they are the best. others, like non duality, will actually be the best. if usain bolt makes a self serving assertion that he is going to win, it is still true. haha.
Quote:Pure logic can take you many places...sometimes the wrong place. But to suggest what you seem to be suggesting with this comment...is nothing but self-serving pap.
no, pure logic can only lead to non duality eventually. what is logic? google gives "reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity." so if you use such reasoning to question any aspect of 'existence', the conclusion will always be 'non dual', ie there is only one 'existence'. that is all i'm saying. you can never prove separation of anything with anything else.
Quote:Do you grow this stuff in a garden?
Do you have help making it up (or growing it)...or do you do it by yourself?
love it when you resort to some lame implication about how i must be crazy or making stuff up. hahaha all it shows is your pathetic inadequacy at logical arguing. what i said made perfect sense, if your brain was able to understand common english: non duality is the only philosophy which allows for the eternal possibility of logic. it means an understanding that logic/intellect will eternally be in operation, therefore there is no possibility of a single 'ultimate truth' or understanding, because whatever it is can be questioned further.
basically, agnosticism is saying you don't know, BUT you think you might know, and some people do know, and its possible to find out.
non duality is simply getting rid of those extra beliefs, and going into agnosticism more deeply. if you truly accept you don't know, then you need to find out why you don't know. if you truly investigate why you don't know, you end up at the paradoxical ultimate truth that you can never know, and nor can any human. therefore, as you have pointed out before, if the ultimate truth can 'never be known', then that itself is ultimate truth. so i define that ultimate truth as an understanding coming from the non duality philosophy.