Quote:I know that. I only respond to you for the fun of it.
haha no, you respond to try and prove intellectual superiority, an extremely pointless attempt against me.
Quote:The human mind exists for a reason: it serves to predict the world. To find solutions, to solve problems. It emerged from a Darwinian process that selected specific capacities such as logic, observation, pattern-seeking, etc, that add up to a capacity to make sense of the world and predict, to a limited degree of course, what may happen next. IOW, the pursuit of some predictive knowledge.
yes, we all know how the mind appears to have evolved and its multiple logical and predictive properties. unfortunately, all this 'knowledge' of how the mind works is based on an unfounded belief in the content of the mind and sensory perception.
yes, at the limited level of circumstantial gain in this appearing world, mind mastery is a good skill. for the ultimate truth, going beyond mind is necessary, not constantly assuming that the mind will predict the ultimate truth somehow.
Quote:Trying to detach the human mind from its natural function to seek patterns and predictability in the world, is like trying to make the heart stop beating. It may be a fun thing to try and you may even succeed, but I don't see what purpose it serves.
you are an idiot, if you don't see that i am not trying to detach any mind from any natural function. as i have said countless times, going beyond mind DOES NOT imply any detachment or loss of intellectual function. it implies the loss of identity and personal relationship with what goes on in the mind, while still maintaining complete awareness of all mind activity.
everything you said about the evolution of the human mind is correct, but the process is not finished, nor will it ever be. the evolution of individualised minds did very well to give humanity technological advancement, through creating competition between humans, which leads to great achievements.
unfortunately, too much individualism leads to all the terror and suffering that exists in the world today. just as you said, darwinian processes will ultimately eliminate this false sense of individuality in all human minds.
Quote:Oh but that is so simple... What naive non-dualists fail to realise is that duality remains forever there in the world even when hidden under the guise of non-duality.
um no. one is one. more than one is more than one. learn maths.
Quote: For instance, you admitted some time ago that behind and beneath the concept of nothingness, existed still the concept of existence ("somethingness"), and that the two concepts were in a sort of ying-yang relation within a higher whole. I say this higher whole between duality and non-duality, should be called non-non-duality.
um no. yes i admitted that a 'somethingness' appears in nothingness. the idea that the somethingness exists is duality. it is implying that the nothingness and the somethingness are separate, discrete existences.
non duality is an experiential understanding that both nothingness and somethingness are the same singular 'thing', which cannot defined or said to exist ultimately, nor can it be said to not exist.
implying that non-nonduality is an even higher perspective is just your naive attempt to prove that you can 'one-up' me no matter what i say. sorry buddy, doesn't work when you don't have an argument.
like i said, there is no possible philosophy which can supersede non duality, which includes all and goes beyond all. but keep enjoying your quest to prove me wrong. frank failed miserably, you are doing better, but keep trying.
i will also repeat that any attempt to find out my age is your way of consoling yourself: 'ahhh its ok he is too young and immature, i am definitely smarter than him'. you are a slave to your ego which wants to define itself as the most intelligent possible person.