Are atheists being more illogical than agnostics?

Romeo Fabulini
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 02:49 am
Carnatic said: @RF- you are one of the theists i was talking about who take it overboard, condemn all other views, and end up violent.

1- What does "overboard" mean?
2- Christianity is the only religion that has the Son of God in it, so that puts it in a super-league of its own..Smile
3- Am I violent? I haven't killed anybody yet!

PS Carnatic, what are you anyway, buddhist, muslim, jew, mormon, JW, satanist, fairy-worshipper, moonie, male/female/gay/lesbian etc? Your profile (like so many others) is a complete blank, so how can we take you all seriously if you're hiding under the bed like scaredy cats?..Smile

Mon 9 Dec, 2013 09:32 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

I liked n voted up this post igm...you need bring more of this line of reasoning to your arguments at large. If anything this proves many times people can reason well when they free themselves of pre concepts n prejudice.

Fil... you are the one that has, " a causer without a cause" as you put it... which is unreasonable and prejudiced in the extreme... which you are blind to. This belief cannot be defended it just has to be assumed for no reason. All your other theories depend on this first fundamental false assumption... if only you could free yourself from your initial incorrect assumption... and bring more of that to your line of reasoning and to your arguments at large...

Fil Albuquerque
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 01:16 pm
Are you making a case for infinite regression ??? Lol igm...how about you do some research on it before coming up front ! Laughing
(there is nothing worse then someone who does not get the point trying to make one from what he doesn't get)
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 01:33 pm
An infinite regression of causes requires an infinite amount of steps to get to any point in the grid reason why they explain nothing once they always relay the deeper explanation to the next level ad infinity...in fact an infinite regression cannot explain how you get to any point whatsoever once any point can always be referred back to infinity just the same. An open infinite chain of cause requires infinite energy infinite resources infinite complexity and other similar baloney just to theoretically work out. No one reasonably familiar with the implications, therefore someone able to reason in their own right, (once it doesn't take much to get the point) takes infinite regressions seriously.
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 02:18 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

Are you making a case for infinite regression ??? Lol igm...how about you do some research on it before coming up front ! Laughing
(there is nothing worse then someone who does not get the point trying to make one from what he doesn't get)

An infinite regression of causes requires an infinite amount of steps to get to any point in the grid reason why they explain nothing once they always relay the deeper explanation to the next level ad infinity...in fact an infinite regression cannot explain how you get to any point whatsoever once any point can always be referred back to infinity just the same. An open infinite chain of cause requires infinite energy infinite resources infinite complexity and other similar baloney just to theoretically work out. No one reasonably familiar with the implications, therefore someone able to reason in their own right, (once it doesn't take much to get the point) takes infinite regressions seriously.

You can be so pompous Fil... you should try to get over that! I am not making the case for infinite regression... I am very well aware of the arguments against it. I am also aware of the faults with your position which is equally problematic and false. You have to assume your... " a causer without a cause" which is untenable unless you accept it on blind faith and ignore all the arguments against it... as I said in my quote... see reminder below:

igm wrote:

Fil... you are the one that has, " a causer without a cause" as you put it... which is unreasonable and prejudiced in the extreme... which you are blind to. This belief cannot be defended it just has to be assumed for no reason. All your other theories depend on this first fundamental false assumption... if only you could free yourself from your initial incorrect assumption... and bring more of that to your line of reasoning and to your arguments at large...

Fil Albuquerque
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 02:37 pm
Again igm stop to think before you post you are the one with extreme prejudice in reasoning here...I am not being pompous whatsoever, the problem is as old as philosophy itself. When arguing for causality there are only two possible takes, if you don't like infinite regressions then you are left with an ultimate cause which could not cause itself. This is pretty much straightforward thinking !
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 04:15 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

Again igm stop to think before you post you are the one with extreme prejudice in reasoning here...I am not being pompous whatsoever, the problem is as old as philosophy itself. When arguing for causality there are only two possible takes, if you don't like infinite regressions then you are left with an ultimate cause which could not cause itself. This is pretty much straightforward thinking !

No, there is a third alternative because the two possibilities you have outlined are not possible without blind faith in your option.

Again your 'stop to think before you post' is extremely pompous.

I am fully aware of the arguments and have at least as good an understanding as you... you fail because you believe there are only two alternatives so you default to your prefered (false) position. Your reasoning is flawed and your additional reasoning i.e. your, 'absolute determinism' is, 'completely' flawed because of it... because it fully depends upon your initial false assumption.

Fil Albuquerque
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 04:43 pm
OK present the alternative in a causal frame of reference then...
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 09:07 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
OK present the alternative in a causal frame of reference then...

why should the frame of reference be causal? that is exactly the point i assume igm is making - you are assuming the need for a cause, coming from two basic assumptions: 1. things exist absolutely 2. things existing absolutely all have causes.
Fil Albuquerque
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 11:15 pm
It should be because my development on the matter never was build in a non causal enviroment and still was questioned. So I want to see what is his claim on that regard. Had my development been different and you might have a point.
But nonetheless I can address it right now by saying that I don't at all consider irrational Universes to be of any interest so to make the question in the first place. A non causal Universe which is not made of correlated patterns doesn't interest me and thus there's nothing meaningful I can say or ask of it but in turn a Universe which is strongly correlated by patterns might as well be called causal for all meaningful purposes of what we intend to ask with "having causes" from a frame of reference inside spacetime. The point is not about what exactly is causality, that is a semantic conundrum that in fact can be unravelled in the very idea of a non caused causer which points very clearly to the unimportance of the distinction between cause and strong correlation once a non caused causer pretty much defeats the hard coinage of causality all from the beginning...so proceeding from there, going on about the problem of semantics on whether we ought to chose between strong correlated Universes or Causal Universes is the least of my concerns in this. The point is, has always been, to discuss a rational in the world, an order of events which has patterns and to distinguish it from a hocus pocus irrational one.
Some naive people mistakenly think they can speak about the world without assuming a necessary rational but proceeding to rational conclusions, and that is where the conversation about it turns hilarious to say the least.
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 11:49 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
It should be because my development on the matter never was build in a non causal enviroment and still was questioned. So I want to see what is his claim on that regard. Had my development been different and you might have a point.

yes, your development was built in your causal environment. igm questioned from his non causal environment. and you tell him to make it causal. no, why should he?
But nonetheless I can address it right now by saying that I don't at all consider irrational Universes to be of any interest so to make the question in the first place. A non causal Universe which is not made of correlated patterns doesn't interest me and thus there's nothing meaningful I can say or ask of it

there is nothing irrational about a lack of causality. the idea of rationality and causality are mind-made concepts. if you are not interested, that does not make non-causality an irrational concept.
but in turn a Universe which is strongly correlated by patterns might as well be called causal for all meaningful purposes of what we intend to ask with "having causes" from a frame of reference inside spacetime.

the strong patterns existing in the appearance of the universe is unquestionable. taking it as absolute reality requires the search for a cause. the taking as absolute reality is a false assumption.
The point is not about what exactly is causality, that is a semantic conundrum that in fact can be unravelled in the very idea of a non caused causer which points very clearly to the unimportance of the distinction between cause and strong correlation once a non caused causer pretty much defeats the hard coinage of causality all from the beginning...

a non caused causer. this is nothing but your made-up concept, it does not unravel the concept of causality at all. i agree that the distinction between strong correlation and causality is unimportant.
so proceeding from there, going on about the problem of semantics on whether we ought to chose between strong correlated Universes or Causal Universes is the least of my concerns in this.

good, nobody is concerned about that either. i am saying causality exists only as a concept, and everything that follows from it is part of the concept.

The point is, has always been, to discuss a rational in the world, an order of events which has patterns and to distinguish it from a hocus pocus irrational one.

yes, we all know there are ordered events and causality appears in the world. we are going further, beyond the idea of existence and causality. you are too afraid to question existence or causality. so you cling to them.
Some naive people mistakenly think they can speak about the world without assuming a necessary rational but proceeding to rational conclusions, and that is where the conversation about it turns hilarious to say the least.

ok, let those naive people do so. i am not talking about any world, and i am assuming nothing. the rational conclusion i am making is "all rationality/existence/causality is questionable." this is an inherently rational speculation, although it contradicts the very idea of rationality. i am glad you find it hilarious. i also find your limited perspective hilarious.
Mon 9 Dec, 2013 11:56 pm
@Romeo Fabulini,
1- What does "overboard" mean?

it means overboard. you don't simply see that jesus was simply a 'good person', inspired a lot of goodness in people, and therefore a lot of people worship him. instead, you go overboard, label him the special only son of god who has universal power to condemn all humanity to heaven or hell, and will automatically choose hell for all non-christians.
2- Christianity is the only religion that has the Son of God in it, so that puts it in a super-league of its own..Smile

thank you for proving my above statement. definition of idiocy.
3- Am I violent? I haven't killed anybody yet!

you are violent on your own poor mind which is deeply wishing it can intellectually break out of your idiotic religious views.

PS Carnatic, what are you anyway, buddhist, muslim, jew, mormon, JW, satanist, fairy-worshipper, moonie, male/female/gay/lesbian etc? Your profile (like so many others) is a complete blank, so how can we take you all seriously if you're hiding under the bed like scaredy cats?..

i don't want you to take me seriously. i am happy knowing that while you pretend not to take me seriously, my words affect you nonetheless, enough to get you questioning my credentials..haha.

to answer your question, i am nothing. i am god. i am everything. i am you. i am the universe.

to me all those statements are equivalent statements of truth. from that perspective there is nothing but eternal freedom, which is the opposite of an 'absolute reality' which implies limitation. what is beyond that 'absolute reality'? nothing? so it is limited.
0 Replies
Romeo Fabulini
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 04:08 am
Carnatic said: you don't simply see that jesus was simply a 'good person', inspired a lot of goodness in people, and therefore a lot of people worship him. instead, you go overboard, label him the special only son of god who has universal power to condemn all humanity to heaven or hell, and will automatically choose hell for all non-christians.

Well he did stuff that not even David Blaine can do so that makes him something special..Smile
If you simply LIKE Jesus, you're his mate and technically become a Christian, you don't have to go to church or be baptised or join a religion or any of that razzmattaz.
He said "You're my friends if you follow me. I don't call you servants, but I call you friends"- (John 15:15)

By LIKING him, we make the connection with him, then when our bodies die, our souls automatically fly to him through the 'Jesus Stargate' -
He said - "Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it,but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."(Matt 7:13)

The bottom line is that he was a nice guy, so if people don't like him they send themselves to hell because there's no other place for them to go and their souls fly off into nowhere-
"Ungodly men,wandering stars for whom the blackness of darkness is reserved forever" (Jude 1:4-19)

But if you're a Jesus Gang Member and stick with him, he'll stick with you..Smile

Fil Albuquerque
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 08:20 am
No he didn't ! Go back n read.
0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 08:52 am
@Romeo Fabulini,
Well he did stuff that not even David Blaine can do so that makes him something special..

many other great individuals have done miraculous things, whether you believe it or not is up to you, but there is no proof of anything anyway. jesus is not the only special person to have done supposed miraculous things.
If you simply LIKE Jesus, you're his mate and technically become a Christian, you don't have to go to church or be baptised or join a religion or any of that razzmattaz.

not all christians would agree with you on that. but if you think this way, then perhaps you haven't gone as 'overboard' as most christians. however, you still erroneously see jesus as the only special person with the only real connection to the real god, which you see as a separate thing from this universe. all those things are assumptions based on nothing but other people's testimony.

0 Replies
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 09:34 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

OK present the alternative in a causal frame of reference then...


Do you accept that your position is not based on logic or reason i.e. your prime mover position or " a causer without a cause" as you put it? If you say it's because there are only two alternatives and the other is false that is not good enough because 'both' can be false and I have reasons that show they are both false.
Fil Albuquerque
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 09:38 am
No I don't once the alternative is an infinite regress and its not my position its the default position. What is not based on logic is to think there is a third option. ! Laughing
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 09:55 am
@Fil Albuquerque,
Fil Albuquerque wrote:

No I don't once the alternative is an infinite regress and its not my position its the default position. What is not based on logic is to think there is a third option. ! Laughing

So, your position must be true because there is only one alternative and that is definitely false? Please answer yes or no.


They can't both be wrong? Yes or no.

If you answer I will be able to continue.
Romeo Fabulini
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:09 am
Romeo said: Well Jesus did stuff that not even David Blaine can do so that makes him something special..
Carnatic replied: many other great individuals have done miraculous things.

Romeo said: If you simply LIKE Jesus, you're his mate and technically become a Christian, you don't have to go to church or be baptised or join a religion or any of that razzmattaz.
Carnatic came back with: not all christians would agree with you on that but you still erroneously see jesus as the only special person with the only real connection to the real god, which you see as a separate thing from this universe. all those things are assumptions based on nothing but other people's testimony.

1- Who else raised dead bodies to life? Clue us in!
2- I don't give a rat's ass whether other "christians" agree with me or not.
3- Jesus said "I am the way to God, nobody else", but if you know anybody else, clue us in.
4- Who said God is separate from this universe? He said "I fill heaven and earth...I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end", so he exists everywhere at every point in space and time, and our souls fly to him through the "Jesus Stargate" when we die like I said..Smile


Fil Albuquerque
Tue 10 Dec, 2013 10:09 am
Yes in a chain of events evidently either you regress infinitely or you come to a final first event.
Why do you think there is a need to ask the obvious ?
I found it amusing you really think you are up to something igm. Mr. Green

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