I found this cup when I was digging a penny. I finally got a metal detector and was out using it for the first time. FM made a good post about what to look for and what was what when I asked about it a month ago and that got me into SUPER geek mode..

I spent DAYS hunting around...Armed with that post, I bought one and so far so good.
Penny was too new, so bah on that ... but YAY , I can understand my detector enough to know what it was when it beeped.
but this? was just an inch or two away and I only saw a tiny piece of it. I almost ignored it..
I took a few shots to try to catch all the points that make me think this is a vintage, if not antique piece. it has - Straw threads, Uneven mold lines, different wear patterns on the bottom, a lip that is not perfectly smooth, no bubbles, a few specs of dirt , and.. well.. frankly, it was found in an area that is around 1800-1880..
The glass has a rose tint to it, though I think if I completely washed it, that MIGHT not be so visible.. a rainbow hue when tilted just right and it does not have the bell ring of the lead glass... so at that point I am a bit stumped.
The glass maker moniker is really odd too. It is an 8 point star like this pattern here -
I only got one photo where you can
sort of see that pattern. I can try to take more if that helps.
But I cant find that moniker anywhere? No glass maker that I can find through my usual places has anything even remotely like that.
Im stumped.