Today's kvetch is more of a ranting tirade against UPS.
Wednesday around noon the bell rings and like a fool I answer. I listened and heard the buzzer system which would open the door downstairs. Some 6 minutes later this useless waste of life appears and says she has 2 packages for me.
Really? Where are they? She had left them downstairs.
She then tells me that she didn't hear the door buzzer and that someone else let her in. Really? And you then came up 4 flights of stairs on the off chance that I might be home? LIAR!
So. She heads back down, returns 10 minutes later with 4 packages, not 2. I recognized the packaging; but, I asked anyway who they were from. She read the shipper label and I told her I was refusing them. She stared and wanted me to take them inside. She even offered to bring them in. I repeated that I didn't want them, I was not accepting them. Perhaps her hat was pulled too tight over her ears. Finally she sighed and picked them up and headed away. I offered a lackluster apology to her for having to cart them back down.
The following evening, Thursday, just past 6 the bell rings. (you know where this is going dontcha?) Nobody comes up. At about 6:2o there's a knock on my door, it's my neighbor and she has lugged this stuff up. I stare in disbelief. It's half of the packages I had refused.
Being me, I became enraged (more on that in a bit). My achy legs took me to the phone and I contacted UPS. Actually some absurd phone machine thing with voice commands. They wanted the tracking number. I went back and it was then that I saw the words: "...refused shipment" on a UPS printed label. They knew I'd refused it and sent it back. Just how stupid are they? Yeah, don't answer that.
So, Friday a.m. I call up the voice command thing at UPS and after a dozen tries they finally get my address. Hmmm...then why are they asking the tracking number? If they have that they KNOW the address. Empty skulled ninnies.
A pickup was set for sometime before 7 p.m.
At about 3:3o the bell rings, I tell the person come on up. He arrives at the door, I point at the packages and he then says: "Is this for a pickup?"
Well let's see. You aren't delivering anything and I sure as hell didn't call you up directly or your employer so you could drop by for afternoon coffee. Yeah, it would be a pickup Sherlock.
He groans. He did however take the package.
As he left I mentioned the label saying that I had refused it.
Yesterday afternoon, the bell rang again. I didn't answer and so far nobody has left another unwanted package at the door.
Now back to the side event, related to my earlier mentioned insane level of rage. Soon after I had started ranting and raving like Rumplestiltskin on a bender, I sort of tasted blood. I blamed it on this weird Bengal spice tea I was drinking. By 9 p.m. it was clear that my nose had started to bleed again.
I never used to get nose bleeds, now I get them every time I get stressed and irritated. After the power outage, I went through 3 days of on and off bleeds. Then it stopped until the jerks from UPS did their best at avoiding working.
I hate UPS.
On the brighter side, I am calm again and when I start to seethe I think happy thoughts... a UPS employee being lowered into a vat of hot oil
