I thought I'd drop by for a kvetch with the Queen Kvetcher.
I iz tired, tired, tired, tired, tired...my knees are useless, and I have a poorly finger (that sounds harmless enough) but that ffffffinger HOITS...(oy vey) and I know from hoiting!
I've too much work, too little time, too many things to do on the home front, a 50th (Fri), a wedding (next Fri) (an anniversary (Ma&Pa 50th on 6th April) all coming up waaaay too quickly...and ohhhhhhhh the planning involved <... and I'm too tired.
and a LUFTMENSH at heart - I need to be dreaming... time to zzzzzz
<give me strength on sorting out - NACH A MOOL>
<did I kvetch well Boida, huh huh huh? >
Nighty night ma boid, love you much xxxx
I iz tired, I'm sure I musta mentioned that somewhere!