So I was talking on the phone with an old friend. A friend I knew in first grade. She and I were best friends all through junior high, high school, and college. We drifted apart for a while, but we're friends again.
She mentioned that she thinks I've mellowed. That I've lost some of my edge.
Lost my edge??!!
Oh the ignominy. She shame. The horror.
Pondered. Cogitated. Mused. Thought about this.
Mebbe I've mellowed a bit with age--like stinky cheese. But it occurs to me that our communication is mostly written. I have a chance to think about what I'm saying. Consider my choice of words. Maybe that's diminished my edge.
Of course, all I do here is write. You must all think I'm edgeless.
I'm gonna go sulk for a while.
How humiliating.