@reasoning logic,
Good Lord this is the most shameless piece of propoganda masquerading as natural science that I've seen in a very long time. Nat Geo should be ashamed.
Because the narrator has a deadpan British accent hardly makes it science, although obviously that was the intent.
This clip is so full of bullshit, it's astounding.
The narrators makes it a point to inform us that homosexual behavior has been documented in 400 different species.
Wow, that's a lot!
Until you realize that there are estimated to be at least 1.7 million species of life on earth.
This is two one hundreths of a percentage of the total number of species on earth.
The incidence of birth defects among earthly species is, undoubtedly, higher.
Now let's examine the evidence that 400 species engage in homosexual practices:
Case in point: Male giraffes engage in neck rubbing. According to the narrator this is clearly a sexual practice and demonstrates giraffe homosexuality. Really? Men throughout Europe, if not other places in the world kiss one another. Clear evidence of homosexual behavior?
In fact the narrator has to acknowledge that of the 400 examples, "full anal penetrations" is rare. So, except for orangutans who apparently can create for themselves a faux vagina, evidence of homosexual practices among 400 species consists mainly of shows of affection.
He also contends that his presentation of tripe shows that "repoduction is not the be all and end all."
So tomorrow, all of the lions in Africa solely practice homosexuality. Clearly there will be no lion cubs, but so what? Reproduction is not the the be all and end all. The last living lions got to have fun anyway they wanted so it is all good.
Randy males that are deprived of heterosexual congress by more dominant males resort to homosexuality to let of sexual steam and this is somehow proof that homosexual relationships are normal and prevalent within nature?
Kids masturbating in their beds at night is perfectly normal but it hardly equates oninism with heterosexuality.
This is the sort of crap that fuels peoples resistance to declaring homosexuality "normal."
Homosexuals exist and, notwithstanding what some cretins believe, their existance is not an insult to God or a blight on humanity, practioners must not be persecuted simply because of their orientation. They can be fine upstanding citizens or they can be criminals. The sociological influences relative to their sexual orientation may make them more prone to anti-social behavior, but this isn't necessarily an inherent characteristic of homosexuals.
Their sexual orientation is their business and need not be addressed in public forums...even and especially not by them.
Who has any reason to really care if a HS teacher in his or her private life is a bondage freak, a neo-Nazi. a believer in Norse Gods, a socialist, a John Bircher, or a homosexual, as long as that aspect of their existence doesn't meaningfully intrude upon the job of teaching kids?
I certainly don't.
I do, however, find it entirely objectionable when teachers engage in propoganda for their personal belief systems.
There is no reason to believe that a homosexual English teacher is any less suited to teach our children than a heterosexual counterpart unless the former restricts his or reading list to works that address homosexuality in a favorable way. That is not enlightenment, it is propoganda.
Witness the bill recently passed in California requiring schools to specifically include the contributions of homosexuals in their curriculum. What's more, it specifically prohibits any historical discussion that might reflect poorly on homosexuals.
This isn't broadening academics, it is institutionalizing propoganda.
This sort of fast and loose play with history and facts for ideological purposes doesn't bode well for our future.
We are amazed at the crap the Chinese and Russian tyrants insisted on teaching their kids, but too many of us find it A-OK when the same tactic is employed here for a "cause" they favor.