Thanks for replies. To answer your questions, Shewolfnm, my hair type is straight, medium thickness (not super-fine, definitely not coarse, but a lot of it), fairly healthy, though scalp can be on oily side. I am caucasian. My hair is naturally very dark brown, and yes, the brown I've been putting in is semi-permanent. I've been using Garnier HerbaShine and not doing anything else. Same thing, when I was doing blonde, I would just put a medium neutral Natural Instincts blonde in, and I was fairly satisfied with the results. I've heard that some the other semi-perm brands are better for gray coverage, and Natural instincts changed their formula, so I'll be using something else, like Loreal Healthy Look.
I did buy a box of that Clairol Color Oops color remover, but I've heard it's a pain to use properly. I guess you have to rinse your hair for thirty minutes or something, but I will do it if that's what it takes. I am not willing to go to a salon or bleach. But I don't want to be walking around with these roots either. I'm not familiar with stripping shampoos. Do I get it at a beauty supply store and do they work? I shampoo my hair every other day with Denorex 2 in 1 dandruff shampoo.
Sorry it's so long and TMI. I really appreciate any info and help I can get. Thank you so much.