Thu 19 May, 2011 09:16 pm
I need an extension. There are 4 defendant's in this claim and I am the primary party. 2 are family. HOA is suing for violations of misc rules and it is all crap! I have been harrassed by some residents in my 55+ community since I got here 10 years ago to take care of my aging (now deceased) grandfather. I am still not 55 tho I am a qualified resident. These allegations have escalated to residents taking pictures of activity at my home and now, to this law suit and HELP! None of us can afford an atty. Seeking mediation to remedy this - HOA refused to negotiate. If anyone can help me, I've talked to attys who said If I had the retainer fee, we would fight this and win, including the Legal expense clause. I have legitimate defenses to all claims and the CCR rules even substantiate one of the allegations. The other two are subject to interpretation. Thank You. This is not my real problem, however. I own the home since 2004 as a tenant in common with the 2 family members also named in this suit. They are threatening to petition the court to partition the land and force me to sell and move out. They have never paid mortgage or property taxes - I have paid all myself.
Pay the retainer to the attorney you spoke with.
No money?
Sell something,: have a bake sale, a garage sale.
Go to the bank and take out a personal loan.
Joe(get going)Nation