Wed 11 May, 2011 09:04 pm
I asked a question if there would be anything in space if the universe did not exsist. I was givin the answer that no space could exsist without the universe, and that there is a difference between empty space and no space. Its hard to comprehend no space. If you think of yourself as part of the system that was created at the big bang, it is easy to imagine no space before the big bang because you would be part of the singularity before it created the space we are in at the moment. My question now is if the universe were to crunsh back into the singulartity because of gravity, wouldn't a void of some kind be left in the area where the universe once occupied.
"Big Bang" was the erruption of whole spacetime. So, after all collapses, would dimensions still exist? Without those, one can't really have a void left behind due to a "Big Crunch".
this all depends on your opinion of what is outside our universe. Because as its called "the big brunch" were to occur and the theory on the multiverse exists then there would still be empty space there because of the many universes. If you are religious then this would be your heaven possibly. and if you are a singularity started from nothing then there would be no space and that singularity would most likely start another universe.